The Deal
"I'm sorry, Yuri."

The Czar's world crashed before him. He had waited for this opportunity for so many years, only for her sister to reject his offer to come back to his family.

The Czar would not allow it.

"You can go now, Yuri." Ash told him. "Leave, and I will treat this as if it has never happened. Leave this country and go back to Petersburg. There is no need for the Sumerkis here."

"You're... not coming?"

"Never wanted to." Ash shrugged her shoulders and started heading back to the wreckage to help the others. "The President is looking for you. He intends to destroy you, and Damien knows who you are. I love you, brother, so you have to take my warning and leave."

"You say such things so easily, Sestra." Yuri's eyes were blinded with crazy ambitions to the point where it somehow led him insane. "I love you very dearly, Sestra. Let's go home, please."

"I can't do that. I swore an oath to the savior of our little brother. If there was anything that our parents have taught us
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