Chapter 7

John was still knocking at the door when the rain started pouring down. The sound of the downpour was so loud that it consumed the noise his weak hand produced at the door. After a while, he stopped knocking. He went to the corner of the house and sat down on the cold marble floor, waiting for Olivia to open the door for him. However, despite the heavy storm, Olivia refused to open the door, and John was left to sleep outside in the rain.

Three days later, John opened his eyes and saw Edward, one of his friends. John became hostile. Edward was among those who came with Murphy the last time he was admitted to the hospital.

“What are you doing here? Have you come again to mock me?” John sneered.

“You know I will never mock you, John. You are a good man and I admire you,” Edward replied.

“Lair, you and your friends came to mock me and now you come again. Where are your friends? I hope you are not here with them?”

“How are you feeling now? I can see you are getting better,” Edward said, ignoring his harsh words.

“What do you mean?” John asked, and that was when he looked around his environment and saw that he was in the hospital.

“How did I get here? What is going on?”

“I came to find out how you were doing and I saw you lying down in the corridors. Your clothes were soaked with water and your body was cold. I have to send for an ambulance and bring you here,” Edward explained.

Gradually, John recalled how Oliva locked him out of the house because of a plate of food. His life does not count anymore. To Olivia and her family, he is worthless and shouldn’t be considered a human. He looked at Edward and clenched his hand.

“Thank you so much for saving my life, I won’t forget this”

“Is it okay John, I know you would have done the same for me if I was in your shoes?”

Instantly, something occurred in his mind. Edward said nothing when Murphy and his friends were mocking him. He neither laughed nor cursed him. Could it be that he was the one who paid his hospital bills?

“Edward, did you pay my hospital bills?”

The question took Edward by surprise. How did he find out? He had warned the nurse never to mention his name to John and now he knows how?

“You are the one who paid my bills right”

Edward slowly nodded his head.

“I will never forget how you saved my ass at the office. You never allowed me to know that you were the one that saved me. I would have been jobless by now if not because of you”

Tears started dripping down John’s face. The only thing he did was to put a good word on behalf of Edward before the board of directors when they wanted to downsize the staff. He never intended to receive any reward from that singular act, but now his good deed saved his life. He quickly got up from the bed and hugged Edward.

“Thank you very much, thank you so much”

“Is it okay, John? You are such a good man and I will help you over again if I have the means,” Edward said and pushed him back to the bed. John sat down.

“Look, John, there is something I have been meaning to tell you”

“What is it, Edward?” John was surprised at how he felt relaxed talking with Edward, this is something he had never done with anyone for so long, everyone seemed to avoid him and they all treated him like shit, but was never so with Edward, this was the first time John had to observe this.

“What you are living is not life, John. Start something meaningful and people will respect you,” Edward said.

John felt sad. What could he possibly do? The only thing he knew how to do best was work as a banker, but the allegations surrounding his dismissal made it difficult for him to get another job. No one employs me since I don't have any skill or talent,” John said with sadness.

“I have tried to secure another job, but no one wants me,” John laments.

“I will help you secure a job,” Edward said.


“Yes, John, I have an uncle who has a production company, the biggest in sunview. I have spoken with him about you and he promised to find you something to do. Here is his address. You can contact him any time you are ready”

John couldn’t contain the joy in his heart, so he took the business card and hugged Edward.

“I can’t thank you enough, Edward. To think that I have never noticed you while I was still working at Weam Bank and you did all this for me! I am most grateful “

“You may have not noticed me, but you never treated me less than others. You saved my ass”

“All did was say the truth”

“Yeah, I know. Now you are alright. Let's style your bills so that we can go home. The doctor has already discharged you,” Edward. and said and went to the accounting department to settle the bills.

“You need to see my uncle right away. He is waiting for you at his penthouse,” Edward told John after he finished speaking with his uncle Sam.

Sam agreed to meet John in his penthouse because that was where he spent most of his time.

“Edward, please come with me. I don’t think I can face your wealthy uncle alone”

“Don’t lose your self-confidence. Uncle Sam is nice and sympathetic. Just be yourself and you will be fine. I will stop a taxi for you,” Edward said and peeked at John, who put his thick finger inside his nostril.

“Listen, John, don’t do that in front of Uncle Sam. You have nothing to be anxious about,” Edward announced and hailed a taxi.

“Get in, I need to get back to the office,” Edward mumbled and gave the driver the address in his hand. He paid the fare and John entered the cab. John thanked Edward before the driver drove off.

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