Learn some respect

Reynaldo turned to face the men approaching him gently, he shoved the box of the figurine to Helen and placed her behind him, making sure that there was nothing and nobody in between him and the security men who were approaching. 

 Reynaldo really wished it didn't have to come to this because he was also a very skilled fighter. 

The security men noticing that he wasn't ready to follow them willingly and peacefully, became wary, and they closed the gap between them. 

One of them lunged forward quickly and folded his hand to form a fist. He threw a punch at Reynaldo's face, but the latter dodged it easily. 

He responded with a punch of his own and it landed successfully on the security man's face. 

The security man staggered back from the impact of the punch, the other security coming from behind him, placed his hand behind the first one back to prevent him from falling. 

"I said I am getting the figurine and I mean what I said, I am getting it today," Reynaldo with an angered tone. He had quite a temper and his temper was finely matched with his skills in Martial arts; Every male in the Zenas Dynasty grew up this way so they could defend themselves from very young ages.

People were already gathered around to watch what was happening, Reynaldo could see the look of disdain some of them threw at him, they were the ones that had been there since the older sales lady came to yell at him, while the rest that had come later had a confused expression on their face. 

"What is going on here? Why are you causing a commotion in my store?" Someone asked, acting calm even after seeing the mess that had occurred in the VIP section of the figurines store. 

Judging by the way she dressed and addressedthe other sales reps, Reynaldo could tell that she was superior.

"I simply want to pay for a figurine I like, I wonder why your senior staff finds it so hard to understand that," Reynaldo said. 

"Pay for a figurine in this section? He is only going to waste our time, that's why I called for the security to kick him out and as you can see Ma, he only showed how much of a nuisance he is," the senior sales lady said in an arrogant manner.

"At this stage, it would only be better for the police to handle this, I don't think your security men would be able to do anything, he has so much strengthand skill." someone chirped in from behind. 

"Are you going to listen to them or you will let me pay for both the figurine I wish to purchase and the damages I already caused here?" Reynaldo asked confidently.

Even after dealing with the two security men, there was not a single bead of sweat on his forehead.

The woman looked at him from head to toe, judging by his appearance, she doubted that he would be able to make the payment but she shrugged and shoved her doubt aside. 

"It wouldn't hurt to see whether you can pay or not, follow me," she said, nodding her head in the direction that led out of the VIP section. 

Reynaldo and the others followed her outside. The two sales ladies alsi followed behind Reynaldo, while the others who were watching were behind them, they simply wanted to see what would unfold. 

The manager led him to the counter to make the payment, he slid in his card and punched in the pin for the payment. 

A loud beep sound was made by the machine to announce that the payment was successful. 

The manager didn't fail to show her surprise. 

But the older sales lady though, couldn't accept it, "No, that is a black card he just inserted inside the machine, there is no way someone of his caliber would be able to own a black card, he probably stole it," she pointed out. 

"Stole it?" Reynaldo turned to face the lady with a surprised expression. 

"Yes, don't deny it, I know people like you, this is not the first time we are encountering this kind of scenario here," she replied. 

"If you are sure that you didn't steal it, then would you wait for us to confirm that you are the owner then?" The manager asked. 

Reynaldo scoffed and shook his head, surprised that anyone would think that he had stolen a black card and hadn't been traced down yet.

"Sure I would wait, I don't mind. '' Reynaldo answered. At that time, Reynaldo was very confident since he just had a deja vu at the hospital. 

The manager made her way inside her office and came back in a minute with a machine in her hand. 

"Please place your finger here," the manager pointed and slipped his card inside the machine too. 

He was sure that his father would have registered all his biometrics on the card as well. There was no telling what his father could not do.

"He is the owner," the manager showed the result on the machine to everyone staring around. 

"That can't be true," the senior sales lady replied shaking her head in disbelief.

"Unfortunately for you, it's true," the manager said, her brows furrowed and she added, "You nearly made us lose a potential customer!" She yelled at the older sales rep.

"But Ma---"


"You are fired with immediate effect!" She yelled at her. 

"I am sorry ma," the older sales lady went to her knees immediately but the manager turned a deaf ear to her and faced Reynaldo. 

She bowed and said, "We are very sorry for the inconvenience we caused sir," she said with a pleading tone. 

"Sorry doesn't always fix things. You should also find a more lucrative job since this store will be closed down for poor customer service." Reynaldo smiled.

"No Sir, please Sir don't close down my store." The owner of the store pleaded. 

Reynaldo simply made a call to Octavio, it didn't take long for the woman to receive a call herself and she paled at what she heard over the phone.

"Please Sir, I didn't mean to act so high and mighty. Forgive me. You can take the figurine for free but please spare me." Reynaldo simply picked the box of figurine and walked out of the store, he was not interested in free gifts from people like her.


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