Not again!!!

Reynaldo stepped outside the hospital with his wife because they were done with the business had dragged them down there; his mother's surgery had been scheduled and a specialist surgeon was going to perform the surgery in a few days. 

On his way outside with his wife, Reynaldo couldn’t help but think about the figurine of Madame Wyatt that he had mistakenly broken, she seemed really pissed about it and now that he had money, it wouldn’t hurt for him to try at least to get another one. 

He did not want to get another one to prove to her that he had money rather he wanted to get another one because that was how he was, he did not like to be indebted to people and he was already indebted to the Wyatt family for so long and about so much but not entirely because they were also indebted to him.

Reynaldo flagged down a cab and turned to face Kimora, he flashed a genuine smile at her, “Can you go home, I will meet you there, I just remembered something that I need to get,” he said.

“Ok,” she replied with a mirror of his smile, “I will be waiting,” she pulled open the door to the cab and got in withoutany arguments. For Kimora, her joy was partly full since Reynaldo's mother's bills were settled, that had been a major dump for most of the money she and Reynaldo worked for.

Reynaldo watched the cab drive her off and get lost after the bend before he turned in the opposite direction, and slipped his hand into his pocket, while he looked around for a shop that sold figurines. 

It didn’t take too long for him to find one. 

He pushed the door to the shop open and looked around. 

He looked around and noticed that there were shelves of high quality, slightly expensive looking figurines arranged together, separated from the low quality and cheap looking figurines.

Though he could find one of the same quality among the high-quality figurines as the one that he broke but he was not pleased with that, he needed one of a much higher quality that would blow Madam Wyatt’s mind. 

Reynaldo broke the one she treasured so dear, knowing the extent of her greed, it was only fair enough for him to get something better to ease her grief. 

He walked over to the lady standing behind the counter, she looked young, and with little experience, he could tell that it had not been that long since she got the job. 

“Good evening, please I want to get a figurine,” he said to her. 

“Good evening sir, there are a lot of figurines scattered around, you can look around for the ones you want, the affordable ones are over at the other side,” she said with a bright smile, stretching her hands to where the low-quality-looking figurines were. 

“The ones with higher quality are over to this side,” she said, stretching her hands to the other side, where the higher quality ones were arranged. 

“No, I can’t find the ones of the same quality that I want,” he replied. He had quite an idea about figurines himself, asides from being a dermatologist, his mother had also been fond of figurines when they were in the Zenas Dynasty. 

“Then can you describe the ones you want sir, I will check if we have it,” she requested. 

“Oh, I need a figurine with an exceptional craftsmanship, well-detailed, that uses very expensive and rare materials and also very rare. I need something like that,” he answered. 

He was sure this kind of figurine, would make Madam Wyatt very happy and forget about the figurine that he had broken, after all, the one that he would buy would dwarf the quality of the one he had broken earlier and he was sure that it would be worth hundreds of it also in its value. 

“Ok sir, we have just the ones you requested for,” she said and walked out from behind the counter, “Please follow me, sir,” she said, leading him past the shelves of figurines to a whole other room. 

He looked around and was marveled at the figurines he was seeing around, the way they were packaged alone spoke volumes of what one should expect when they opened the boxes. 

“This is exactly what I am looking for,” he said, checking out the figurines, while the young sales lady followed him quietly behind. 

The prices of the figurines were slammed on the glasses they were placed in, the least one could find inside this room was a million dollars and they were placed at the entrance of the room, but he simply walked past them. 

He walked further into the room, the further he walked, the higher the prices got and he didn’t seem perplexed or moved by the prices he was seeing after all, there was more than enough seating in the card that was in his pocket. 

He stopped when he finally saw one that caught his eye. 

“Can you bring it out, I want to check it out?” he asked, pointing to the glass where it was placed. 

“Sure sir,” she answered and pulled the box out of the glass, she gave it to Reynaldo. 

He unboxed it and was checking out the figurine when he heard a loud voice that caught his attention. 

“What the hell do you think you are doing, Helen?!” a feminine voice yelled beside the both of them. 

Reynaldo and the young lady standing beside him turned to look at their side with a confused expression. There was a lady dressed in the same uniform as the younger lady standing before Reynaldo and she had a mean expression on her face. 

She looked at Reynaldo, the same way that the nurse at the hospital looked at him. 

“I don’t understand. I am just showing a customer the type of figurines that he requested to see,” the young lady, Helen answered, still confused by the question that she was just asked. 

“What don’t you understand, can’t you see that this so-called customer that you brought in here doesn’t look like someone that can afford these types of figurines?” she asked, raising her voice, the tone of her voice was heavily coated with anger and disgust. 

“What do you mean?” Reynaldo asked, his brows furrowed, anger gently creeping in on his face. 

 He had had enough of people looking down on him today, it seemed like if he didn't speak his mind, they wouldn't know their place and it would only give them the morale to continue. 

"I meant what I said, you look wretched and poor, I doubt that you can even afford one of the ones that are arranged outside, not to talk of the ones arranged in here," she replied with a spiteful tone. 

"You think I can't afford it?" He asked, "You're looking down on me, because of the way I dress, what the fuck is wrong with staff nowadays?" He asked rhetorically, running his hand through his hair. 

There were other customers in the area and most of them started whispering around. 

"How is just everyone allowed in here to look at these figurines? They don't have any rules."

"Look at him, he is even bragging and swearing how shameless of him."

"Good thing he hasn't stolen any item yet, they should search him properly. People like him look for food to eat not figurines to buy."

These comments got to Reynaldo's ears as well as that of both sales lady and the older one flashed a wicked grin in return. 

"Lowlifes like this would only just continue to waste your time, Helen, you shouldn't bring them in here again, understood?" The older one simply scolded Helen for treating Reynaldo like she would every other customer. 

"I still don't understand why, he actually wants to---" Helen replied still confused with what was going on. 

"Stop it!" Helen was immediately silenced by her senior colleague. "because if the figurine falls from the poor lowlife's hand and gets damaged, they won't be able to pay for it and it would be a huge loss for us," the older sales lady was very angry with Helen. 

Reynaldo let out a sigh and rubbed his temple gently, "I want to make the payment for this figurine now," he said, he knew that if he did not save Helen and himself by purchasing the figurine, then even Helen was bound to lose her job at the store.

The older sales lady simply shook her head, "I am not going to waste my time on you, security please kick him out," she replied. 

Immediately, approaching footsteps sounded from behind him and Reynaldo turned back to see men dressed in similar uniforms rushing towards him. 

He scoffed and tightened his fist, waiting calmly for them, the angered expression now plastered on his face. 

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