Realizations hurt like a bitch

The head doctor was shocked and everyone else that heard what Reynaldo said were equally stunned. 

It was a fact proven to all that were present that indeed Reynaldo was a rich man given that he weilded such a rare card and could make the transfer of such a huge amount in just a single transaction. 

"There is no need for that Sir, I have already assured you that these nurses will be severely punished for their insolence but you don't have to take your mother somewhere else." The head doctor was smart, she did not want to relieve her staff of their duties yet she was careful not to offend such a wealthy man even if she was not certain who exactly he was.

"Is he really that powerful? Look the head doctor who is always so proud in billing people is do humble."

"She is also begging him," 

The comments increased yet Reynaldo's resolve would not weaken.

"Kindly do a refund and I will take my mother to a better hospital." Reynaldo said resolved.

"This is one of the best hospitals in the city, surely you can forgive their negligence." The pleading of the head doctor made the other nurse upset. She was certain that Reynaldo was a stray wannabe so she spoke up.

"Dr, I know you hit the other nurse but I reckon that this man is just a thief and a trouble maker. Surely he has stolen this card and wants a refund while his mother is treated for free.

Reynaldo was shocked, could people be this despicable?

The nurse had seen with her eyes that he was the owner of the card and he had even imputed the pin correctly yet she still sought a means to humiliate Reynaldo simple because he was so simply dressed and had asked for more time several times before. 

It was common with some people, it was much easier for the nurse to believe that Reynaldo had stolen the card than for her to believe that he was actually a rich man.

"Nonsense!" Reynoldo said.

"The nurse is right, how can someone so poorly dressed have such a card?"

"This man is so disgusting, he stole a card yet he dared to be so arrogant and disrespectful."

"I think this doctor is blinded by the money he has already transferred that she can't see that he is just a thief and call the police on him already."

The words of others got to the head doctor and she took their words in other not to lose face and protect the integrity of the hospital. The head doctor had her reservations about pushing the matter further. She did not want to take chances by offending Reynaldo even he looked so simple and ordinary. 

"Mr Reynaldo, I really apologize for the misunderstanding but with the turn out of events, I may be required to verify your card to prove that you are indeed the owner."

At the head doctor's words, Reynaldo became really concerned. He was certain that the pin Octavio had told him was truly the pin but he was skeptical about whose name the card had been been registered in.

The head doctor wasted no time in bringing the machine for the authentication process, a lot of tension hung in the air and most of all, Reynaldo feared that Kimora could walk in on the scene at any time.

"I doubt there's any need for all of this, I'll just take my mother and leave if you have difficulty making a refund." Reynaldo said but the head doctor already brought the machine.

"Sir if you had said that earlier then you would have been able to walk out freely but after the suspicious allegations raised at our hospital because of you, I'm sorry you can't leave this place until I verify the card in your possession. If you cooperate then we will not need to involve the police or anyone at all." The head doctor despite finding herself in such a compromising position, she still addressed Reynaldo respectfully. 

She had heard stories herself and she was not ready to be a victim of one of those circumstances whose stories would be used as examples to others. 

The tension in the air at the time was palpable one could literally taste it, it was so tangible that you could even cut through it yet Reynaldo and the doctor both seemed unmoved. 

Wherever the confidence came from, Reynaldo didn’t know but he agreed to submit his debit card and Identity card alongside it, he had thought to himself to call Octavio to save himself if the need arose.

He tapped his pocket and when he found that Octavio's complementary card was still in it he handed his cards over. "Do whatever verification you want to do but just be certain that I will surely take up the matter afterwards because it was my father that gave me the card so it must not necessarily match with my ID card," 

Reynaldo needed to clear the air a bit so the hatred he received for free would be less but while he spoke, the situation only got worse.

"Just look at him, he was very confident a while ago when he put his pin but now he's making excuses."

"What father is he even talking about, he definitely scammed and old lady and manipulated her into telling the pin so disgusting."

"I'll call the police at once Ma'am, they will lock this thie--"


The head doctor equally gave the second nurse a tight slap across her face to silence her.

"What is wrong with you? Are you trying to give our hospital a bad name on purpose?" The head doctor scolded the nurse who held her face in her hand.

"I am very sorry Sir, please take your card." She put both her hands together and sought mercy from Reynaldo. 

Indeed the details had aligned. 

"But Ma'am, is he..." the nurse trailed off on her sentence when she heard her Boss' response. 

"The card belongs to him yet you are being so rude to him even in my presence! Is this how you treat the people who entrust the lives of their loved ones to you?" Since the confirmation was made, the head doctor did not spare the nurse at all.

That nurse had almost made her offend such a wealthy man in the city.

"Apologize to him immediately and afterwards, the both of you are off work for the rest of the month," she paused.

"If I were you, I will look to apply somewhere else as well." At her words both nurses went around the counter and threw themselves on the floor at Reynaldo's feet.

"Please Sir forgive us, we have made a very big mistake. Please do not take any action against the hospital for our foolishness."

Reynaldo stepped away, he did not like the idea of people groveling at his feet at all but the nurses won't stop.

That was when his wife Kimora walked right in through the reception door.

"Just get up and commence with the surgery." Reynaldo immediately changed his mind before Kimora got to where they were

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