Reynaldo Vance;The return of the Exiled Heir
Reynaldo Vance;The return of the Exiled Heir
Author: Chloe Jacks
Meet the Wyatts

The beautiful colors of the light that flooded the room from the chandelier was aesthetic. The expensive fabrics of the velvet curtains draped at each window with elegance. It was a grand event, foods of all kinds displayed in serving dishes while finely clothed guests sat around and stood as well.

It was Madame Wyatt's birthday anniversary and just like the number sixty, she sparkled in different diamond jewelry. 

Madame Wyatt had intentionally adorned herself in diamonds and pearls to mark her anniversary. 

"Mother you look so beautiful," Gyaki Madame Wyatt's daughter in law commented when she came to her side to present her gift. Gyaki was married to Lepona; the Eldest son of the Wyatt family.


A loud bang was heard and the attention of everyone was turned to the direction which the sound came. 

Lo and behold, just where the accident had happened, Reynaldo stood transfixed on the scene. Hearing the crash, Madame Wyatt also turned her attention to where Reynaldo stood.

"Oh my goodness, you good for nothing mistake of a man!" 


Madame Wyatt warmed Reynaldo's cheeks with a slap as she scolded him, it was nothing new for Madame Wyatt to embarrass Reynaldo by hitting him across the face in public, matter of fact no one took offense to her actions except Kimora.

"Grandmother! What have you done?" Kimora rushed to where her grandmother stood harassing her husband Reynaldo. 

"Why did you have to slap him in front of do many people Grandmother?" Kimora but back the tears that glistened in her eyes. 

"Be quiet K. This useless husband of yours just broke my figurine. That figurine costs over a thousand dollars and he carelessly handled it." Madame Wyatt was very upset.

"Mother you should calm down and not let this dimwitted man spoil your mood on such a happy day," Gyaki tried to pacify Madame Wyatt.

"He's so clumsy and useless, all he knows to do is eat my food. He can't even be useful in the house without causing damage." Lepona added.

"Uncle please, Rey does his best and you know that. This was only an accident, why belittle him in front of so many people." Kimora defended her husband who was bent over on the ground picking the pieces of the figurine he had accidentally dropped.

It was nothing new that the Wyatt family constantly humiliated Reynaldo because he was not from a wealthy background and he could not afford luxury like they could, worst still, he lived in their house as a live-in son-in-law yet Kimora never stopped standing up for him.

"Nonsense! That's just Nonsense. He can't even take responsibility for his mistake and apologize, he has to hide under the protection of his wife how despicable." Madame Wyatt cursed again.

She was irritated by the very sight of Reynaldo, it was as though, his existence irritated her.

"I am yet to have anything to eat so I felt a little dizzy while carrying the figurine and it slipped. I am sorry grandmo--"

"Oh don't you dare call me your grandmother." Madame Wyatt cut Reynaldo off without acknowledging his apology. 

"He is so shameless, he breaks the figurine and even tries to make excuses."

"He is better off on the streets than in a beautiful mansion as this if he's so useless."

"Kimora is so beautiful and gifted yet she's stuck with such a useless man in the name of marriage. "

Several of the guests aired 5heir different opinions, Madame Wyatt could hear the accolades in their speech so she went on to punish Reynaldo even more.

"You haven't done any work yet you expect to be given food! How audacious of you. That figurine costs over a thousand dollars and since you can never afford to pay it back even if you were sold I'll punish you for the loss instead." Madame Wyatt was already vibrating in anger.

"Grandmother you already punished him by cruelly slapping him in public!" Kimora argued but was met with a similar fate as her husband. 


"How dare you question mother's actions and call her cruel!" Gyaki gave Kimora a tight slap across her face and the spot immediately turned pink. Kimora remained quiet and held her face.

"Gyaki! I can take any insults from you but I can never stand and watch you assault my wife." Reynaldo made a fist as he faced Gyaki, Gyaki stepped back in fear.

Reynaldo was a huge man so he easily towered over Gyaki with his six feet three height.

"And what are you going to do? Hit her? Go ahead and hit her you useless man!" Madame Wyatt provoked Reynaldo even more.

"Come, I'll tend to your wounds." Reynaldo took his wife's hand and pulled her away since there was nothing he could do to abate her suffering. 

"And where are you taking her?" Madame Wyatt asked when she noticed his movements. 

"If you step out of this door then be rest assured that you will receive no assistance from anyone in this family till the end of the year. Mark my words!" Madame Wyatt added when Reynaldo didn't stop to answer her initial question. Reynaldo stopped in his track like one controlled by a remote at her remark.

He had a small smile on his lips when he turned to respond.

"I have no intentions whatsoever to ask any one of you for assistance after I step out of that door." Reynaldo spat his words with a stern face before pulling his wife along with him out of the building.

"A leach will always remain a leach, surely he will return when he gets hungry."

"Poor Kimora, she has to be separated from her wealthy family because of a bad decision."

"Surely he will squander all of her money but they will surely return for help in no time." More comments came from the guests as Reynaldo and Kimora walked out of the building but both let them fall on deaf ears.

"Mother, don't let your beautiful day be ruined, look I already got you a more expensive figurine as your present." Lepona presented a beautiful piece before Madame Wyatt and everyone gasped. 

Reynaldo could still hear the conversation since he had not Totally crossed the large hall and exited when what was said was Said.

Reynaldo bit his lower lip and swore that he was going to make everyone of them pay for ever looking down on him or daring to lay a finger on his beloved wife. 

Reynaldo took Kimora to his mother's little rented house but when he arrived, he met news that his mother had been rushed to the hospital. Overwhelmed by the news, Reynaldo rushed to the hospital with Kimora. 

They were informed that her condition had been stabilized but the bills were still pending. 

"You have to pay your bill this time if not no one will commence further treatment on her," the nurse told Reynaldo when he inquired of his mother's condition from her.

Reynaldo had accrued a debt of over three million including the bills for his mother's past surgeries, he and Kimora had only managed to monthly pay thousands of dollars from the stipends he got from his delivery job and the salary Kimora received from the company. 

Kimora had been deprived of pocket money since she got married to Reynaldo two years ago hence her reason for convincing him to live in the Wyatt mansion after their wedding so they could at least not think about feeding or utility bills.

"Can I see her?" Kimora asked the nurse and she was granted access.

"Sure, come with me." The nurse led Kimora away while a frustrated Reynaldo threw himself on one of the waiting chairs.

"I think it's time you accepted my offer young Master," a family voice of a man that had been communicating with Reynaldo recently spoke as he held out a black card to Reynaldo. 

"Take it please, there's some pocket money in here. Your mother's surgery can commece immediately just please come and see your father once.

Reynaldo tightened his fist and didn't look up, he hated his father but he was desperate to save his mother.

"Is that a threat?" Reynaldo flared up at the man's words.

The man immediately threw both his hands in the air in Surrender "Not at all young master, after all all the money belongs to you, please just take this as a compensation."

"How much is in the card?" Reynaldo asked grudgingly, he had run out of options, he just wanted to be sure there was enough money to cover his mother's pending hospital bills and also pay for the surgery she required, however, Reynaldo didn't expect the answer he got.

"Just fifty million dollars."

Fifty million dollars?!

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