You have no idea who you are messing with!!!

‘Did he just say just fifty million dollars?’ Reynaldo asked inwardly. 

Reynaldo knew that his father was wealthy but fifty million dollars as pocket money and the man had used the word just, that was unbelievable for Reynaldo.

Did his father really have so much money to throw about?

Reynaldo was surprised at the amount that was just called but his facial expression remained blank and his body language did not betray his emotions.

“Young master if the money is too small, your father is willing to sign everything in your name soon as possible, the fifty million is only for each month,” said the familiar man, Ammanidael Octavio, was the name of the man. 

Reynaldo then knew how rich his father was and how determined his father was to see him, he also knew that if he asked for double that amount, it would be as easy as cutting through butter with a hot knife for his father to provide it. 

Reynaldo didn’t give any response, he was still a little bit stunned by the amount of money that was just inches away from his face. 

It had been a while since that amount of money had been his, especially since he had a fallout with his father and he decided to cut him off completely.

“Young master, your father is sick and all he is just asking is that you come and pay him a visit so that he can apologize to you in person and you would take back your position as the heir to his business and properties,” Octavio added with a pleading tone. 

Seeing that Reynaldo was still being stubborn and wasn't replying to him, Octavio decided to keep persuading him, the Master of the Zenas Dynasty had given him just one assignment and he couldn't afford to fail or return with excuses. 

“But deep down, you know your father has been very sorry for not supporting you and he has been trying to make up for it,” 

Reynaldo knew there was no need to ponder on it any longer. It was not like he had any other option, this was his only chance to take care of his sick mother and make those bastards pay.

Reynaldo stretched his hand and accepted the card. 

“I will come and see him, but that must be after I am done with settling my mother’s bill,” Reynaldo said grudgingly. 

“Thank you, young master, your father would be very happy. The pin is your birth date.” Ammanidael replied, the tone of his voice had changed, it was no longer persuasive but now filled with happiness.

Just then, Kimora came out. 

Reynaldo caught a glimpse of her from the corner of his eyes and immediately warned Octavio "my wife is coming, I don't want to give her any false hope until I have settled every score with my father so it's best I keep my identity hidden."

Octavio nodded knowingly. 

"Hi, you look familiar, have we met before?" Kimora asked when she got to where Octavio stood with Reynaldo. 

“No we haven't, I'm Ammanidael Octavio, I came for a charity donation and I have chosen to sponsor and clear all your pending and current hospital bills,” Octavio said to Kimora with a small smile on his face, he had not expected Kimora to come out so soon and meet him so he had to come up with an excuse on the spot. 

Kimora’s eyes widened at the mention of the name, shock written clearly on her face. 

Ammanidael Octavio?! He was a popular man, known for how wealthy he was both inside and outside the country. He worked for the Zenas family and had so much influence and Authority. 

“Oh, we are very grateful for it sir, thank you very much” Kimora thanked him, bowing her head to show her gratitude. 

“You are welcome,” Octavio replied with a nod of his head. 

“I’ll be on my way out now, will you walk me while your husband completes the papers? I've already made all the payments.” he added, checking the time on his wristwatch, he winked at Reynaldo and Reynaldo understood what needed to be done.

Reynaldo had to complete the payment of the bills himself before Kimora got back. Kimora glanced at Reynaldo and he nodded his consent for her to walk Octavio out.

“Let me escort you out then,” Kimora agreed, following him out of the hospital, while Reynaldo walked towards the counter to pay up the hospital bills. 

“Please can I know how much the money for my mother’ssurgery is?” He approached the nurse he met earlier and asked respectfully. 

The nurse threw him a look of disgust first, before replying him; 

“You have to first of all pay for the hospital bill you are owing before you can pay for the money for the surgery, which I feel you don't even have” she replied with a disdain filled voice. 

He wondered what the ill feeling directed towards him was for, but he didn't ponder much on it and waved it aside, coming to the conclusion that it might not be directed towards him. She was perhaps just having a bad day.

“How many times do you want to ask the question? Are you even going to pay up if I tell you the amount?” She asked, her tone was heavily coated with disdain and her facial expression showed it too. 

Before he could respond, the second nurse standing with her behind the counter continued from where her co-worker stopped. 

“Aren't you ashamed of yourself, unable to pay up the bill of your poor mother and you call yourself a man?” The nurses made sure to raise their voices so that everyone would be able to hear what they were saying. 

They achieved their goal, the people standing around made sure to voice out their disdain and contempt towards Reynaldo, judging by what they had already heard about him from the nurses. 

“No one would ever pray to have a son like that loser,” one of them said. 

“He even looks like someone that is lazy, I bet he is one of those men that sit at home and wait for their wives to provide for the family, what a shameless man” 

“Isn't that the man that was rumored to marry into the Wyatt family because of their wealth? I wonder how he tricked their innocent daughter” 

“Instead of you standing here to ask for the amount of the bill like you are ready to pay, shouldn't you be outside working your ass off to get the money?” The first nurse he met asked. 

“I bet the Wyatt family had kicked him out and he is here to beg” Another hateful word came from the people standing behind Reynaldo. 

Reynaldo wondered what he had done that made these people throw hateful and disrespectful words at him, it was not like he had wronged any one of them in any way. All he did was walk up here to ask for the amount of the hospital bill he owed. 

“What are you still standing here for, you beggar?” the first nurse continued with a question, her face squeezing to form a frown. 

Reynaldo opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out, he was overwhelmed with the words that were directed at him.

“All I did was ask you for the hospital bill, I am not sure I did something that warrants you to insult me” Reynaldo finally replied. 

Deep down he was boiling with anger and hatred directed at the two standing before him, the more time he spent in front of them, the more anger and hatred he felt towards them. 

“You even still have the mouth to talk. A beggar like you is supposed to be groveling on his knees and pleading for help” This time, it was the second nurse that spoke. 

At that moment the thought that was in Reynaldo's head was to purchase this hospital and sack the two nurses with immediate effect. After all, he had more than enough to purchase the property and acquire a license to own a hospital, after all he equally studied as a dermatologist and even if the money in his account wasn't enough, it was only a matter of time before he got his hands on more.

But all those would have to be later. 

He pushed the thought off his head, the thing that he decided should take priority was his mother's surgery, the rest could come after. 

He exhaled loudly, calming his nerves and blocking off the hateful speech coming from behind him, turning completely deaf towards them. 

“How much is the bill?” he asked again with a calm tone, acting indifferent towards their words directed at him. 

They both let out a scoff. 

“If we tell you the amount you are owing, can you cough out the money now?” The second nurse asked. 

“Why will you be asking him that question when you know what the answer to it would be? Have you ever seen a rich beggar before?” the first nurse asked, bursting into laughter. 

“Yes, I will pay,” he answered, still keeping his tone calm. 

The nurses both looked at themselves, a mocking expression plastered on their faces. 

“Three and a half million dollars,” one of the nurses answered.

The next statement he said, brought a shocked expression to their faces. 

“I want to make the payment for both the hospital bill and the surgery now,” he responded. 

"And I want to resign from working here as a nurse, let's all make silly jokes." The first nurse said and everyone laughed. 

"Exactly, if you can do that then I will also resign." The second added mockingly. 

"Fine, have it your way then but you can't go back on your words." Reynaldo's words were cold and they sounded like a threat, both nurses got concerned for a bit but waved it off as nothing. 

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