Chapter 038 – Xavier’s Nervousness and Anticipation


While everyone else was eager to share the news of what they had witnessed that day and brag about seeing the patriarch of a first-rank family up close, Xavier, the one who should have been the most excited did not even take anything to heart and promptly erased the entire event from his mind the moment he got into a taxi.

He quickly dismissed Cassandra and her grandfather from his mind, gave no thought to the cards he was handed, and contacting the old man became the last thing on his agenda.

It wasn’t that Xavier looked down on them, no, he just couldn’t be troubled with matters that were of insignificance, a thought that would have caused a storm in Riverton City and make him the number one public enemy if known.

‘Knowing my father, he’d definitely be furious upon seeing me for all the distress And pain I've caused Mother over these past few years,’ Xavier thought to himself in the back seat of the taxi, his expression heavy and brows furrowed.

After a moment of brood
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