Chapter 062   – Conclusion 


The document Grace handed to Xavier was a marriage contract proposal, detailing various clauses, including but not limited to Xavier's responsibilities within the marriage and what he would gain at the end if he agreed to it.

Xavier read the contract more than once to make sure he hadn’t misread it, but even then, he remained utterly perplexed.

“Why though?” He asked, his expression puzzled.

“Why?” Grace mumbled blankly to herself, seeing his confused face after which she let out a small sigh. "This is the only way I can save myself," she explained, which only baffled Xavier further.

Grace took a deep breath, her face blank and detached. "There’s a massive project my family is eager to win because it could elevate its position within the second rank," she began, pausing briefly to make sure Xavier was following before continuing in a calm, measured tone. "But... it's a project that many families are vying for, particularly those supported by first-rank powerhouses, and sin
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