Chapter 065   – David’s Anger 


Xavier had no clue that trouble was already knocking on his door; otherwise, he would have hurried to confront it or, better yet, decided to spend the rest of the day with his parents to face it once it arrives, was currently staring at them in a daze.

“You—you are handing me the house you were given?” He asked vacantly, struggling to process his present emotions.

David and Laura, hearing their son’s question exchanged smiling gazes after which David intertwined his fingers with Laura’s, and together, they nodded their heads to Xavier.

"But..." Xavier began, intending to protest, but then his mother gently interrupted him with her kind and soothing voice.

“Didn’t the two of us already have a house?” she asked, and before Xavier could reply, she continued.

“As your father explained it, the house was given because of you, so it’s only fair that we pass it on to you and your wife, especially since your father and I can't live in two places at once. You wouldn’t want to live i
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