Chapter one hundred and seventy-eight: she had won.

"Take the seat to my right," The in-court clerk said after he had done the required registration. Today was the first hearing and the first time he would be seeing Claire after her disappearance.

In a few minutes, Claire and her lawyer walked into the court and Bruce clenched his fists. She walked over to where the in-court clerk had pointed her to sit. The whole time, she did not bother to spare him even a glance.

She finally looked at him and he glared at her, then she looked away immediately. She was playing her fake character well.

Her face was swollen and bruised. Her eyes were red and glossed with tears. She had eye bags like she had spent the whole night crying instead of sleeping.

She was good at playing the victim.

They were all good at playing the victim — women. That was why he had left the bar last night upon realizing that Jade was talking to him.

If he had seen Jade a few days ago, he would have run to her. Today, he ran from her. He had had enough heartbreak in his life
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