Thinking it’s a dream

Eric hesitated for a moment before he finally gave in to the pressure as he lifted his dress slightly to show them the mark he was carrying.

“You see that? Now, do any of you have this mark that he is carrying?” Sr Chadwick pointed to Daniel and Drake, and they both tilted their heads away from him to look at Eric, who only took a deep breath as he continued to look at them.

“As if that were not all, he had the effrontery and audacity to cut us off the payroll. The only reason I did not trace you back to your house is because I was informed that a meeting like this was going to be held and trust me I was looking forward to discussing this with you.” Drake looked sternly into Eric's eyes and suddenly, the urge to keep shut and not reply diminished inside Eric, and he opened his mouth to talk immediately.

“Tell me why you should still exist on the payroll. If you give me a valid reason, I will make sure to call Damien right before your very eyes and reinstate you back into the payroll.”
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