Luke’s blood boiled as he watched Fiona balance haughtily in the backseat of his car.

All in due time, he told himself.

She was about to get the biggest embarrassment of her entire life.

“So, who did you say we’re going to pick up at the airport?”

Luke smiled at her.

“Exercise patience, Fiona. It’s a very important personality in London. I’m sure it would be an honour for you to meet her.”

“Oh, wow. Most times, people are always honoured to meet me.” She bragged. “I wonder who this person is.”

You’ll find out soon enough, Luke thought.

Due to pleasant traffic, they arrived at the airport quite quickly. The driver came down and pulled Luke’s door open.

Luke even allowed Fiona to be helped off the car. He wanted to give her the impression that she deserved to be treated like a queen.

Within moments, guards flanked them as they made their way to the terminal. Everyone watched in awe at the expensively dressed man who stormed the airport with a group of armed guards.

Just as they were
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