Luke waited with bated breathe for Trent Carmichael’s decision.

Mr. Carmichael shot his daughter a look which Luke couldn’t quite decipher before turning to him.

“She’ll take the messenger job. She has no choice.”

A pained gasp escaped Fiona and Luke switched his gaze to her, hoping to see some kind of reaction that will reveal whatever these two were planning.

Luke had been positive that the Carmichaels were definitely up to something by coming here, but the fact that Mr. Carmichael accepted for his daughter to be an ordinary messenger made him even more confused.

Were they genuine or was this all some kind of act? Luke was getting angrier by the second because he could not figure that out.

Mr. Carmichael’s behavior really appeared to be one of a father who genuinely wanted to punish his daughter for a wrong doing.

So why then did Luke feel they were up to something fishy?

“Daddy. Daddy, please. Please reconsider.” Fiona begged.

Mr. Carmichael gently pushed her away.

“I’m sorry, Fi
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