Chapter 7. Face off with Marco

Xavier sat on a metal chair in the armory. Victor had decided that the ambush operation will only consist of twenty persons including Xavier. Knowing the kind of effect his identity will have on this mission, Xavier had decided to wear a mask.

"System. Kindly show me my stats please." Xavier said to the system.


STAT (System for Transfer and Analysis of Tactical data):

Host: Xavier Hale

Age: 18

Status: Healthy


Strength (STR); 35

Intelligence (INT); 40

Agility (AGI); 35

Vitality (VIT); 40

Endurance (END); 40

Charisma (CHA); 25

Combat stats:

Attack power (ATK); 45

Defense (DEF); 40

Health points (HP); 100%

Mana points (MP); 300

Accuracy (ACC); 60%

Evasion (EVA); 55%

Performance metrics:

Experience points (XP); 1,400

Level; 3 (1,400/20,000)


Revitalization (passive, upgradable) lvl 3

Ever-Calm (passive, non upgradable)

Undying Resolve (active, non upgradable)

Weapon master (passive, upgradable) lvl 4

Hand-to-hand combat (passive, upgradable) lvl 5

Gold or currency; 3,000

Kills or deaths; 13 kills, 1 death

Win-loss record; 1 win against Continental

Goal: To be a Mafia Lord.

(System suggests host to level up quickly as current pace is equivalent to a snail's crawl).»

"It seems you are right. Perhaps this mission will give me what I need." Xavier said. To him, this mission was just a means to level up.. becoming a Mafia Lord was all that matters, nothing else did.


Xavier crouched behind a stack of crates, his heart racing with anticipation. The warehouse district was dimly lit, the only sound was the distant hum of the city's nightlife. He glanced at Victor, who nodded silently. Xavier had wore a black gangsta rag over his face just in case someone who knows him will be in one of the cars.

"Remember, take out the guards first," Victor whispered to the group. "Then we go for the shipment."

Xavier nodded, his eyes fixed on the convoy approaching in the distance. Two black SUVs, flanked by motorcycles, sped towards the warehouse.

"Get ready," Victor hissed.

The convoy screeched to a halt outside the warehouse. Guards poured out, scanning the area. Xavier took aim, his gun aimed on the nearest guard.

"Now!" Victor shouted.

Xavier squeezed the trigger, his gun firing in unison with the others. The guards who were shot fell dead, as they were caught off guard. The motorcycles roared to life, speeding towards the ambushers.

"Incoming!" someone yelled.

Xavier leapt aside, avoiding the rain of bullets. He returned fire, taking out a motorcycle. The rider crashed to the ground, screaming. The system's notification kept ringing inside his head, he could not help but grin. He looked exactly like the Joker in one of DC's movie.

The SUVs opened fire, their windows shattering under the onslaught. Xavier sprinted towards the nearest vehicle, gun blazing. He tore open the door, dragging out a struggling guard, due to the Undying Resolve active skill, his strength and attributes had doubled, h was now stronger than the guards.

"Get the shipment!" Victor bellowed, although he was shocked to see Xavier yanking out carbon steel, he still kept his wits together and delivered orders.

Xavier tossed the guard aside, diving into the SUV. Crates filled the interior, stamped with the Hale Family crest. Xavier's heart skipped a beat. This was it.

Suddenly, the warehouse erupted into chaos. Reinforcements arrived, pouring out of the shadows. Xavier's group fought back, but they were outnumbered.

"Fall back!" Victor shouted. Staying here will spell their doom, and besides, they had achieved their aim. They had taken out most of the Hale family's men and also destroyed some of the important merchandise.. whatever it was.

Xavier grabbed a crate, sprinting towards the exit. Bullets whizzed past, the sound deafening. He burst through the door, crate in hand, and saw Victor's team pinned down. Just as he was about to help them, someone blocked his path.

"Put down the crate and I promise to give you a quick death."

Xavier froze. He recognized exactly who was in his path. It was none other than his half-brother 'Marco'.

Xavier and Marco faced off amidst the sounds of gunshots and painful screams, their eyes locked in a fierce stare. Xavier felt his anger rising as he was staring at the one of the people responsible for his painful death. Till this moment he could not shake off the fear he felt in that burning car, meanwhile Marco was just plain arrogant as he could not accept the fact someone had the guts to rob the Hale Family. The air was thick with tension as they circled each other, their fists clenched and ready.

Xavier, the younger half-brother, was now slightly skilled in Hand-to-hand combat as he had been training hellishly with Marcus back at the LaGraine family mansion, his movements were fluid and calculated. Marco, on the other hand, relied on brute strength and aggression.

Without warning, Marco charged at Xavier, swinging a powerful punch. Xavier dodged the attack with ease, countering with a swift kick to Marco's stomach. Marco grunted, rolling over, but quickly recovered and launched himself at Xavier again.

The two half-brothers clashed, their fists flying in a flurry of punches and blocks. Xavier landed a solid punch to Marco's jaw, but Marco retaliated with a vicious uppercut that sent Xavier crashing to the ground.

Marco pounced, pinning Xavier down with his knees. He raised his fist for the finishing blow, but Xavier rolled out of the way just in time, using Marco's momentum against him. Xavier sprang to his feet, delivering a devastating combination of kicks and punches that sent Marco stumbling back.

Marco snarled, his eyes blazing with anger. He charged again, but Xavier was ready. With a swift and precise movement, Xavier took Marco down with a perfectly executed extension kick.

The two half-brothers struggled on the ground, their bodies locked in a fierce grappling match. Xavier managed to gain the upper hand, pinning Marco's arms behind his back. Marco thrashed and kicked, but Xavier held firm, his grip unyielding.

Finally, Marco lay still, defeated. Xavier released his grip, standing up and towering over his half-brother. Their chests heaved with exhaustion, their eyes still locked in a fierce stare.

"Whoever you are, you just made a terrible mistake. No one dares steal from the Hales." Marco said through gritted teeth.

"Really brother? And here I thought the family was declining?" Xavier said before removing his mask. Marco was shocked speechless.

"I'll leave you alive so you can pass on a message to Father. Tell father I'll be back, and when I do, it won't end well for him and the rest of you." Xavier said and then slammed the butt of his pistol on Marco's head. Marco fell unconscious.

"Keep moving!" Victor yelled. He hadn't seen the exchange between Xavier and Marco, although he had caught a glimpse of them fighting, but he didn't know the full details.

Xavier sprinted towards the getaway car, crate clutched tightly. They sped away, leaving the carnage behind.

As they caught their breath, Xavier opened the crate. Gold bars and stacks of cash glittered in the sunlight.

"We did it," Victor said, grinning.

«Ding! Congratulations to Host on completing his very first mission and taking a step towards his goal.»


Level 3 (15,400/20,000)»

Xavier smiled, soon he will be able to level up again.

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