Chapter 6. Ambush the Hale family

After leaving the Continental facility. Xavier and Victor ran without any pitstop till they got to a busy road. There they boarded a taxi.

"Take us to Ancroft city." Victor said.

"That would be $200 each." The taxi driver said with mischievousness clearly written on his face. Victor was about to refuse when Xavier simply opened the door and went in.

"I only have $500 only me right now, and we still need to buy some food along the way." Victor said a bit worried.

"Do not worry about it." Xavier spoke with a smile.

'Hey Erebus. I can make use of the gold coins as hard cash, right?' Xavier asked the system via telepathy.

«Ding! Yes. Host just needs to will a few coins to materialize in his hand and it will be so. Note, one gold coin is equivalent to ten dollars.» Xavier smiled at the system's response.


Ancroft city was in front of a mountain. Victor's family mansion was hidden in the mountain.

"Welcome to our humble abode," Victor said, one could sense pride in his voice. As they walked on the stone steps towards the mansion, Victor thought it will be best to play the role of a tour guide.

"The mansion is hidden in the mountains, surrounded by trees and hills. It's a very special and luxurious place. As you drive up to the house, you can see that it's made of stone and wood, with big windows that let in lots of light. The roof is curved like the hills around it. Inside, the mansion is very fancy, with high ceilings, nice furniture, and beautiful artwork. Each room is decorated with care and attention to detail. The mansion has many special features, like a movie theater, a swimming pool, a wine cellar, and a spa. It's a great place to relax and have fun. Outside, the gardens are beautiful, with walking paths, fountains, and a pool that seems to blend into the mountains. The mansion is a peaceful and luxurious getaway from the world."

Xavier followed Victor inside, where he was greeted by a group of rough-looking men and women. They eyed him warily, but Victor gave them a slight nod and that seemed to relax them.

"This is Xavier, our new recruit," Victor announced. "He'll be working with us to take down the Continental and help in the rise of our family."

The group nodded, seeming to accept Xavier's presence. Victor led him to a back room, where a burly man was waiting. Squared jaw, chiseled abs, tall, muscular, he looked every inch like Captain Guile from Street Fighters.

"This is Marcus, our head of security," Victor said. "He'll train you in combat and help you get up to speed."

Marcus eyed Xavier critically. "You look like a scrawny kid. What makes you think you can handle our line of work?"

Xavier smiled grimly. "I have already taken down a few Continental guards and survived a brainwashing attempt. I think I can handle myself."

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "We'll see about that. Let's get started."

And with that, Xavier's training began. He spent hours each day honing his combat skills, learning new techniques and strategies. He also worked on his attributes, boosting his strength and agility.

As the days passed, Xavier grew stronger and more confident. He knew he still had a long way to go, but he was determined to rise through the ranks and become a Mafia Lord.

«Ding! Host has reached level 3. Attributes have been boosted.»

Xavier smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment as he felt that his one month of constant training hadn't been in vain. He was getting closer to his goal.


Xavier walked into the meeting room, the dim lighting and heavy wooden table giving it a sense of gravity. Victor stood at the head of the table, flanked by several of LaGraine's family elders. Their faces were stern, their eyes fixed intently on Xavier. It was obvious that they were unhappy having a greenhorn join them at the executive meeting, but due to the fact Victor specifically requested for Xavier's participation, they could only suck it up.

"Ah, Xavier, thank you for joining us," Victor said, his voice low and serious. "We have a mission of great importance to discuss."

Xavier took a seat, his heart racing with anticipation. Even back at the Hale family, he was never allowed into such an important gathering. "What's the mission?" He asked with a serious tone. Although he felt intimidated, but it was obvious he was no longer the scaredy cat he had been in the past.

Victor's eyes locked onto Xavier's. "We've received intel that a powerful Mafia family will be transporting a valuable shipment through our territory. We aim to... relieve them of that shipment." The last part was said with an evil grin on Victor's face. Meanwhile Xavier was happy as this will be an opportunity to earn some XP.

Xavier's face cracked with a smile. "Which family?"

Victor's expression turned ominous. "The Hale Family."


The room fell silent, the weight of Victor's words hanging in the air. Xavier felt a shiver run down his spine. The Hale Family? His family?

"What's the shipment?" Xavier asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"We're not entirely sure," one of the elders replied. "But we know it's valuable. And taking it will deal a significant blow to the Hale Family's operations."

Xavier's mind raced. He had joined the LaGraine Family to take down the Continental, but now he was being asked to target his own family, but he could not do anything as no one here knew he was a Hale.

'Well, not anymore though.' Xavier said in his mind.

"I see," Xavier said, trying to process his emotions. "And what's the plan?"

Victor smiled, a cold, calculating smile. "We'll ambush the convoy at the old warehouse district. We have men on the inside who will ensure the route takes them right into our trap."

Xavier nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. He was about to cross a line, one that could never be uncrossed.

"Let's do it," Xavier said, his voice firm.

The room erupted into a flurry of activity, the elders discussing details and strategies. Xavier sat back, his eyes fixed on Victor, a sense of determination burning within him.

This was it. He was all in.

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