Chapter 5. A new life awaits

More guards arrived, forming a semi-circle around Xavier. He stood tall, disruptor at the ready.

"You're surrounded," a guard sneered. "Surrender now and perhaps we might go easy on you."

'Surrender?' Xavier repeated the words in his mind. How many times had he always surrendered to the Hale family? How many times had he stepped down with his head low just to survive? And what did he get for those acts of cowardice? A painful and undesirable death orchestrated by none other than his own father. From now on, he would never bend a knee, ever again.

Xavier smiled grimly. "I'd rather die."


New skill acquired!

Undying Resolve (non upgradable)

Description: In desperate times, Host's resolve to persevere will give all attributes ×2 boost.»

'Hehehe, things just keeps getting better and better.' Xavier chuckled inside.

The guards opened fire, but Xavier's disruptor rendered their laser guns useless. Seeing them shocked at the fact their guns weren't working, he rushed at them with the knife he used to kill the previous guard. With his strength and agility boost now both at 20 each, he found it easier to take down the guards.

Suddenly, a guard landed a lucky blow, sending Xavier crashing to the ground. The disruptor flew from his hand, sliding across the floor, broken to pieces.

"No!" Xavier shouted, scrambling for the device.

The guard raised his gun, ready to deliver the final blow. Xavier rolled aside, avoiding the bullet by mere inches.

With a loud shout, Xavier launched himself at the guard, tackling him to the ground. They wrestled, punching each other. Xavier kicked away from the guard, then picked up the knife which laid beside him, just as the guard made one more jump at him, Xavier made it his last.


«Ding! Congratulations to Host for killing a level 4 hostile individual. 700 XP and 300 gold coins has been awarded to Host. Host is now a few points away from leveling up.»

As he stood up, Xavier realized he was bleeding - the bullet had grazed his arm. He gritted his teeth, ignoring the pain, but soon, he saw the wound healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. In no time, the wound had scabbed.

'This revitalization skill is no joke.' Xavier inwardly rejoiced.

The disruptor lay nearby, now trashed. Xavier picked it up, but it was now just a piece of junk.

Fortunately there was no more guards heading his way, it seemed that Victor and his team had drawn all the attention to themselves. The corridor was silent, except for the sound of his own ragged breathing.

Xavier leaned against the wall, catching his breath. He had won, he was very proud of himself. His first battle and he had emerged victorious. Although he knew it was with the help of the system, but still..


Host, you're clear to escape.» The system's voice echoed in his mind.


"It seems from now on the Continental will not stop hunting me."

«Host is correct. Host is therefore advised to lay low while he continues to level up and amass skills and wealth»

Xavier nodded, wincing in pain. "I'm ready."

'It seems I have to really make use of Victor and his fallen Mafia family. With their help, I can lay low and grow at a steady pace.

Xavier made his way through the deserted corridors, his eyes looking for any signs of danger. He knew the Continental wouldn't give up easily, sooner or later more guards will be here, but he had a head start. Although he didn't know what part of the city he was right now, but he had a feeling he was in a place he that could easily link him back to the Hale family.

As he turned a corner, he saw Victor waiting for him, a hint of a smile on his face. There was blood all over him.

"Well done, X," Victor said, clapping him on the back. "You're a natural."

Xavier grinned, feeling a sense of pride and belonging. "Thanks to you and your team. I owe you one."

"I know this isn't the time, but I'm curious, how did you manage to break through the brainwash? That had never failed before." Victor asked and Xavier saw pure curiosity in his eyes, although Victor just escaped the Continental, that didn't mean he could trust him with the secret of the system.

"Luck I guess." Xavier shrugged.

Victor's expression turned serious. "We need to get out of here, now. My team has bought us some time, but the Continental will regroup soon."

Xavier nodded, following Victor through the narrow corridors. They reached a secret exit, and Victor handed Xavier a new device.

"This is a secure comms device. Use it to contact me when you need help."

Xavier took the device, feeling a sense of gratitude. "Thanks, Victor. I won't forget this."

Victor smiled, but didn't move away from Xavier, he stared long at Xavier which started to creep the teenage boy out.

"Where will you go now X?" Victor asked even though he had already guessed the answer.

"Well, I don't know. I guess I can just find a motel and you know, get a job if I can."

"That only established the fact that you have nothing in mind. Why don't you come join my family. You can offer your services to the LaGraine Family in exchange for food and shelter, and of course you will be paid for your services too."

«Host is advised to take this offer as it will allow host the means to level up and still be out of reach from the Hale family and Continental. Host is still too weak to fight against them.»

Xavier pretended to think about Victor's offer but in truth, he had already made his decision.

"Fine. But I must warn you, I am an amateur when it comes to combat." Xavier replied.

"Not to worry, that can be fixed. Welcome to the LaGraine family." Victor smiled and stretched out his hand which Xavier shook.

«Ding! Congratulations to Host on getting his first base of operation

Base: LaGraine Family

500 XP and 500 gold coins has been awarded to Host.»


Host has reached level 2. Attributes have been boosted.»

Xavier smiled, feeling a sense of excitement. He was just getting started. Soon he will rise to the ranks of a Mafia Lord.

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