150: Hideout

The scene at the makeshift infirmary was one of chaos and urgency. Hunters and civilians alike were working together to tend to the injured. Makeshift beds were lined up in the open space, and people were hurrying back and forth with supplies. The atmosphere was tense as everyone scrambled to help those in need, their faces etched with worry and determination.

“Careful with that leg!” shouted a burly hunter as he helped a civilian lift a wounded man onto a stretcher. His voice was loud and firm, trying to direct the frantic efforts around him.

“I’m trying!” the civilian retorted, his voice strained under the weight.

“It’s not exactly light, you know!” He struggled to keep his grip, sweat dripping down his forehead as he tried to balance the injured man.

Nearby, a young woman was bandaging a deep gash on another hunter’s arm.

“Hold still, will you?” she muttered, her brow furrowed in concentration. Her hands moved quickly but carefully, trying to stop the bleeding and keep the wound
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