The mine entrance loomed ahead, a dark, gaping hole in the side of a rocky hill. Wooden beams, rough and weathered, supported the entrance. The ground around it was strewn with rocks and old tools. The sky was overcast, and dim light barely reached into the mine's depths, creating an eerie atmosphere. The air smelled of damp earth and rusted metal, thick and oppressive.

Inside, narrow tunnels twisted and turned. The walls were rough and lined with jagged rocks. Wooden planks formed a crude pathway, worn smooth by years of use. The further one ventured, the colder and darker it became, as if the mine itself was alive and closing in.

In this area…

Carson and Mark could be seen moving cautiously through the mine. Carson with his tall and well-built stature led the way.

In his hands, light magic ball glowed, illuminating the path ahead. Mark followed closely behind, his eyes scanning the area around him.

"Keep your steps as silent as possible," Carson whispered urgently. "We don't know h
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