While William traversed the forest in another world, inside the central hospital of Astoria, Donald lay on the sickbed, lost in his thoughts. The sterile smell of the hospital filled the air, mingling with the beeping of medical machines that monitored his condition.

There were a lot of drips fixed to his body, and he seemed to be in a very bad state. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling as he recalled the day he lost to William over and over again. The memory haunted him, playing like a never-ending movie in his mind.

That day he was on the verge of getting the revenge he had prayed for after a very long time. He was ready to lift his status once again, but everything ended when William tossed him out of the arena. Not only did William win, but he also ensured Donald went through the most humiliating beating. The crowd's cheers for William and their jeers for him echoed in his ears.

The more Donald recalled that day, the angrier he became. Yet, another set of thoughts occupied his mind
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