As William stretched his hand out, the snake took it as a challenge and sped towards him. Its sleek, scaled body glistened in the dappled forest light, moving with incredible speed and precision. The snake's eyes locked onto William's, filled with a predatory hunger.

But it was too late for the snake because William was very smart and had realized a way to end the snake's life without taking too much action. He had been observing the creature for a while, noting its movements and weaknesses. With a plan in mind, he knew he could outwit the serpent.

With his hands stretched out, William began to control the tree the snake was crawling down from. His fingers twitched as he focused his energy, and the tree responded to his will. Its branches rustled and leaves shook as if awakening from a deep sleep, ready to obey his commands.

The tree started twisting unnaturally around the snake. Its branches bent and coiled, mimicking the snake’s own movements.

The tree did the same action the snake
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