After relaxing for about an hour, William decided to proceed with his adventure. His muscles felt rejuvenated, and his mind was clear and focused. He knew that every moment counted, and he couldn't afford to waste any more time resting. The dungeon was a living entity, constantly changing and presenting new challenges. William had to stay one step ahead, always ready for the unexpected.

He waved his hand and signaled the undead snakes to do his bidding. The biggest among them crawled towards William and bent its head for him to climb on, and William didn’t hesitate before climbing on it. The snake's scales were cool and smooth under his hands, a stark contrast to the rough terrain of the dungeon. As he settled onto the serpent's head, he felt a surge of determination. His army was ready, and so was he.

After William climbed, the snake began moving in the direction they hadn’t ventured into yet. The path ahead was unknown, filled with potential dangers and hidden treasures. The snake m
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