**Chapter Three: The Maze of Shadows**

With the heart of the dungeon conquered, William emerged from the chamber, the feeling of triumph still fresh. The energy of the orb had given him newfound strength and clarity, but he knew the journey was far from over. The dungeon’s trials had only just begun, and the path ahead was shrouded in mystery.

As he ventured further, the surroundings changed. The tunnel walls grew darker, the air thicker with an oppressive weight. William's senses were on high alert, the dungeon's magic now pulsating with a malevolent force. The path twisted and turned, leading him into what appeared to be an enormous labyrinth.

“This must be the Maze of Shadows,” William murmured, recalling the legends of ancient dungeons he’d studied. The maze was said to be a place where reality twisted and turned, where shadows came to life, and where only the strongest could hope to navigate through.

The entrance to the maze was marked by a pair of ancient, rune-inscribed doors.
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