William was halfway down to the hunter organization headquarters when the chaos fully kicked off.

Just as predicted, from the south a dark layer of purple clouds could be seen approaching along with a strange gas. The clouds moved swiftly, their ominous presence casting an eerie shadow over the city. The gas, thick and heavy, began to spread out, creeping along the streets like a living entity.

William stopped in the middle of the road to witness it all go down. Facing the west, he watched the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. He could feel the tension in the air, a mix of fear and disbelief, as people around him started to realize what was happening.

He was on a busy road, so there were others there with him, men trying to move to their families, women, and children trying to move back to their homes. The chaos was visible; people were pushing and shoving, desperately trying to reach their loved ones. Some were shouting names, their voices lost in the growing panic.

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