William finally arrived at the hunter organization after about an hour since leaving the insane woman. On his way here, he was able to rescue some children and find a safe place for them to stay. The children were terrified, clinging to him as their only source of comfort and safety in this chaotic world. He made sure they were placed with caretakers who promised to protect them until things calmed down.

The journey he took here was the most painful and chaotic he has ever experienced in his life. He saw countless people dying in horrible ways, some running from death while others seemed to embrace it as an escape from the madness. And then there were the zombies, already dead but still moving, trying to add more to their ranks. Every street he walked down was filled with scenes of terror and despair, with screams echoing through the air.

William noticed that everyone, no matter the cause of their death, would turn into zombies after a few hours. This means that the gas causing the zo
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