Chapter 14 System Overhaul: The New Era Begins

*Ding! System upgrade complete.*

After a day had passed, Franz finally heard the sound he had been waiting for. He quickly logged into the system.

"Welcome, host, to the Ninja System."

The system’s voice now sounded like a friendly, human female, rather than the cold, mechanical tone from before. Looking around, Franz noticed that while the system’s appearance hadn’t changed much, the bloodline pillar was now glowing, and there was a small roulette-style wheel beside it.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Franz entered the bloodline shop. Inside, there were various bloodlines such as the Sage Toad, First Hokage, Madara… but all of them were gray. Glancing at the price list, Franz gasped. The cheapest items were 150,000 coins, with the bloodlines of the First Hokage and Madara reaching up to 1 million coins. Goodness. When will he be able to afford these?

"System, why are all the bloodlines so expensive?"

"Bloodlines are a special type of ninjutsu. Users of a bloodline can utilize the techniques of the bloodline's owner and also gain the chakra system of the bloodline's owner."

The system answered calmly. Franz nodded in understanding. Indeed, the bloodline of the First Hokage would grant access to Wood Release. The First Hokage was considered the strongest Shinobi in the ninja world, and no one had yet matched his Wood Release. Yamato’s Wood Release came from his implanted bloodline.

"The system introduces a new lottery function."

Suddenly, the system’s interface changed, and Franz found himself in front of a roulette-style wheel. Inside were squares representing various ninjutsu, equipment, and even bloodlines.

"Upon completing certain special missions, the system will award the host with lottery tickets. The host simply needs to throw this ball onto the spinning wheel. When the ball lands on a square, the host will receive the corresponding reward."

Franz was thrilled. This was like gambling with no risk. This feature was quite promising. With some luck, landing on Madara’s or the First Hokage’s bloodline could make him the greatest in the world, Franz daydreamed.

With over two thousand coins remaining, Franz decided to check out the ninjutsu shop. However, the scene left him stunned.

The ninjutsu shop was divided into seven tiers: E, D, C, B, A, S, SS. Only the first three tiers were lit up.

"The system's shop now automatically categorizes ninjutsu into these tiers. Additionally, the host can transfer ninjutsu from the system to others. The Gamer mode - beginner protection has been removed. Skills will now be applied in the most realistic manner."

Franz was momentarily dazed. So, he had been in the system’s protection mode all along. Reflecting on his battle with the Black Lynx, he realized that an attack reaching 400 would have clearly been fatal. But even when hit by the Black Lynx’s claw, although his equipment was damaged, his HP only dropped significantly. It was clear the system had meticulously calculated to protect him.

Now that Gamer mode was over, it meant he was no longer playing a game but living as a real person in this world. There would be no more stats bars. If someone were to slit his throat, he would die instantly without the chance to use a healing potion. Conversely, if Franz struck a critical point of an opponent, he could finish them off without having to deplete their health as he did against the Black Lynx. This was both a disadvantage and an advantage. The best part was that critical hit features were still active. If someone was unlucky enough and lucked out on a critical hit, they could be blown up even from a minor scratch.

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