The air was dark and all the members of the Arash pack could be seen in front of the house.

Zalia and Hannah were hugging each other with sadness, Liam was listening to Nolan carefully and Tao could be seen that was trying his best to stop Rashun from crying and comforting him.

Arash was also looking carefully at a screen in front of him.

((Well, I think that's enough. Tao, Liam, and Hannah. Please come and stay in front of him.)) Arash called out to them, and they all said their last words, and they all stood in front of Arash.

((Well, guys. I do not know how long it will take us to meet again, but I know we will see each other again in this academy. I can not give you much other than the features that Artina has, but the events in the quest made me realize that learning from martial arts books is very convenient and excellent, and on the way you will take, you should have whatever help you can get. So come ...)) Arash finished his sentence and one by one, he handed them the books about each person's weapons and said.

((Maybe these books and the people who wrote them were weird, but I'm sure they will help you on your way.))

They all respectfully took them from Arash and placed them in their inventory.

At that moment, a thought came to Arash and he spoke it.

((Tao, based on what I know from you, I'm sure you have a lot of talent in learning martial arts, so I'm sure you will find a way to learn this book.))

And Arash handed over the hardest and strangest book he had ever found to Tao.

Tao read the name of the book in surprise.

((Dragon footdance?))

((Yes, this book is very specialized and hard and I hope you can learn it completely because I'm sure it will help us all in the future.))

Tao nodded his head with determined eyes and put the book in his inventory.

At that moment, the space behind them tore and a large golden black hole formed.

((Good luck.)) This was the last sentence that came from Arash's lips, and a moment later, Liam, Tao, and Hannah, who was slowly crying, were swallowed by the golden black hole.



They all looked at their empty space for a few moments and then, without saying anything, went inside the house.

As soon as they saw the inside of the house, a strange feeling attacked Rashun.

((I feel the house is empty.)) Rashon said with a little sadness.

Zalia also walked toward Arash with red eyes and while her height was only up to Arash's belly, she hugged him very hard.

((Look, you idiot. You upset Zalia.)) Nolan said angrily.

((Oh, come on. Even B.A is upset. Look.)) And they both looked at Arash but saw nothing but a normal look.


((... Maybe he is not as sensitive as I thought.)) Rashon said hesitantly.

((Heeeey. I'm upset too, but nothing can be done about it. uhhh)) Arsh yawned.

((Even though I had been sleeping for a long time, I still feel sleepy. Let's sleep. Experience has shown me that sleep helps your feelings. So spread the mattresses.))

 Arash told the others as he hugged the sad Zalia and lifted her up.


((right away.))

Arash walked to Zalia's room and went inside.

The room was not at all like it used to be, dolls were scattered everywhere and the walls were full of childish paintings that brought a smile to his face.

(It seems that Zalia had great fun during this time.)

Arash walked to Zalia's bed and slowly laid her on the bed. Zalia closed her eyes with small drops of tears next to them and fell asleep.

Arash wiped those tears with his hand and put the blanket on Zalia's body and kissed her forehead.

((Good night Zalia.)) Arash said this and moved towards the door and did not see that a small smile had come to Zalia's lips.

Arash turned off the room lights and closed the door.

As soon as he looked out of the room, he saw Rashon and Nolan spreading the mattresses, but instead of spreading three separate mattresses, they were throwing a large mattress that covered the entire width of the room.

((What is this?)) Arash asked in surprise.

((This? Oh, you do not know. When you were asleep, we had so little space to sleep that Rushon decided to spread out one of the big ones in the inventory instead of separate several mattresses. It was easier to assemble and did not take up much space in the room, so everyone agreed.

In the end, after several days of experimental sleeping, we voted for everyone's place, and with the highest vote, Tao sleeps between you and Liam.))

 Arash did not know why, but after pointing to Tao, Nolan and Rashun didn't make eye contact with him, but Arash attributed this to their unhappiness and did not mention it.

((Is it all done? Shall we sleep?)) Arash asked while yawning again.

((Yes.)) Rashon answered and took several blankets out of the Inventory and placed them in a corner of the room.

((Choose the blanket you like and sleep.)) Nolan said, and without looking at the blankets, he picked one up and lay down on the bottom corner of the mattress. After him, Rashun carefully chose a blanket and slept near Nolan.

Arash just shrugged his shoulders and moved to the other corner of the mattress, where Rashun had been shown with his finger that it was his place to sleep, with a blanket in his hands.

((Good Night.))

((good night.))

((Stylish night, B.A.))


With two claps of his hands, Nolan turned off all the lights and soon fell asleep.


It was morning, but instead of the light, the hand on Arash's face, the foot on his stomach, and the snoring sound coming from near him woke him up.

Arash moved his hand and lifted the hand from his face so he could see.

He noticed that his leg, which was very muscular and small at the same time, was on his stomach, so he moved it so that he could sit down and understand exactly what was going on.

To his right, he saw the Tao who owned the hand and foot, and on the other side of Tao, he saw the owner of the snoring, who was Liam.

((Ha! So that’s why those two avoided making eye contact with me! Just wait, I'll... wait a minute! Why are these two here !!?)

((Tao !!? Liam !!? What are you doing here !!?)) Arash shouted in surprise that woke everyone up quickly and bringing them to their feet.

((Who? What happened? Attack?)) Rushon, who had summoned his shield, looked around with sleepy eyes.

Nolan however, only glanced at the others and shrugged his shoulder, and went back to sleep.

Nolan closed his eyes for a moment, but then hurriedly opened them and shouted.

((Ha !? What are you doing here !!?))

Tao and Liam, still looking around in fear and waiting for Arash's order to attack, realized this and the tension left their bodies.

((Tao, you explain.)) Liam said, and once more, he fell asleep, which soon became accompanied by a snort.

Tao, who had just regained full consciousness, glanced at Liam, who was fast asleep, and looked at Arash and the others and said.

((Well .... with such weapons it was very easy to level up, and thanks to Artina who teleported us to the most dangerous area of ​​the planet,

Within three hours, we reached the highest level we could reach on that planet, and we were teleported back to the academy.))




((Is there a problem?)) Tao asked, worried.

((No, sleep. You've probably used your body a lot and you need to rest.))

((Hey wait a moment. So what about the academy classes?))

Rashon slept as soon as his head hit the pillow, and only Tao and Nolan were awake to answer Arash, Nolan said faster.

((Due to sufficient time for the students who were on the quest to rest, as well as to fill the vacancies in the ranking of the academy, the academy gave the students a month of rest.

of a month of rest, nine days left. So there is no need to worry about classes and it is better to give yourself a rest. I will sleep too.)) Nolan said this and lay down and before Arash realized it, everyone had fallen asleep again.

((But I can not sleep anymore.)) Arash whispered and after a little hesitation got up and looked at himself in the mirror.

Black hair that was a little longer than before, burnt brown eyes, and a normal face with no scars.

(Ahh, I'm still the same. One who can only make others attractive and he herself is not attractive at all ... I wonder if that old fairy in Cinderella felt the same way or not ...)

Arash turned his heart away from the mirror and looked at his clothes.

Green shirt and black pants.

((Ummm. Good enough.)) Arash said this and opened the door to the house when it opened, a cool breeze caressed his face.

The air was not yet fully lit, but the effect of the sun, which was supposed to clear the air very soon, could be seen in the sky.

Arash took a deep breath and allowed the fresh air, which smelled of lush trees, to breathe new life into his body.

((Ahhh. What a good sky and day.))

Arash, who was as happy as the plants waiting for a new day, went out of the house and closed the back door and put on his shoes in front of the door, and continued comfortably and reached the yard.

After caressing it, in response, the keys shook in delight and opened the door, Arash went out the door and a little later began to walk in the forest.

It took him a while to see the fruits that were fresh and glowing on the trees and seemed to be blinking at Arash, so for this reason, Arash bent his knees a little and jumped, but the power and height of the jump was very faster of he thought, but fortunately Arash acted quickly, and in the middle of the jump, which was not over soon, he picked up several fruits, and unfortunately, while he was happy to have chosen good fruits, he realized that the trees of the forest was getting smaller and the height was so high that he felt the air around him was getting thinner.

Arash, who was looking down with a white face in fear, recalled one of his greatest weaknesses.

((I can not control my power at all and after all, I do not know my maximum power and The power that is increasing every moment is completely unknown to me.))

 But the speed of his upward flight, which had reached its limit and ended at the end, stopped him from thinking anymore, and instead, the fear of falling overwhelmed Arash.

((What the hell can I do now?))

A stupid but practical thought came to Arash and Arash wanted to reject it, but the ground was fast approaching him and the pain of falling in it reminded to Arash, causing Arash to carry out his stupid thought.

So Arash pointed to that small park with his back and threw a very simple fist forward.



the only sign of Arash, which was fired toward the park like a human missile,

was his cries.


hope you enjoy it. don't forget to comment and give your stone to the novel.

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