Chapter 100: Show Up

“MY GOD! How did this happen?” Jessica exclaimed as her eyes flickered within her teammates. “How the hell did they know about our product?!”

No one could answer Jessica at that time. All of them were confused, disappointed, and nervous at the same time.

August felt the same way as Bruce started to pitch the product on the scouts and judges. It was exactly the same thing their group placed onto the document.

“Our team managed to create a robot AI that specializes with medical treatments and diagnosis,” said Bruce as he clicked the remote onto the next slide. “The purpose of this is to help people seek immediate medical assistance, and think that they already have a companion always by their side.”

As Bruce continued his report, he never left any single details in their document. August just stared at Bruce while clenching his fists, and the latter smirked at him as their gazes met.

“A traitor…” said August as his gaze fixated on the table, in which the paper regarding his supposed pre
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