Chapter 108: One Way To Find Out

SAMANTHA almost froze when she heard what Bruce said. She doesn’t want to give any of his words a hidden meaning, but she couldn’t help it, especially when she saw how the side of Bruce’s lips rose while staring at her.

“Surprised?” he asked confidently. “Don’t cry too hard, Samantha. I didn't even say anything, yet you started crying right away.”

“I-I’m sorry—”

“It’s fine,” said Bruce as he pulled Samantha into a hug. “We do that sometimes. We do bad things, and sometimes, hide things to survive.”

Bruce wasn’t oblivious to it. In fact, he knew everything before he proposed to Samantha. She isn’t a real Evergreen, and she wasn’t even legally adopted by the Evergreen family.

It means that she’s even poorer than August.

However, Samantha did something that would protect her reputation. She manipulated the documents in secret, made herself the legal child of the Evergreen family, and made Myra the adopted one.

Myra found out about it, but it was too late. Samantha already left them, and
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