Chapter 116: Plan C

“THIS IS what I like about this place. They give delicious food unlike the other prisons out there,” said Rio as he sat on the table, beside August.

He ate the beef steak and the other dishes with a smirk on his face. All of them were at the same table as they were roommates, but no one dared to talk with August, except for Amadeus who was looking at him intently.

Well, it wasn’t just Amadeus who was looking at him intently. Because of what happened in the field earlier, he already got everyone’s attention.

It was just his first time here, yet everyone knew his existence now. August cursed himself repeatedly as he thought of that.

“Why aren’t you eating?” asked Amadeus as he took one spoonful of rice from his mouth. “Don’t you like the food?”

August shook his head.

“No… I like it.” August took the spoon and fork. “I’ll eat now.”

August sliced the beef steak on his plate, and he was about to take a bite when someone held on to his spoon and threw it on the floor. His eyes widened as
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