Chapter 115: Strange Luck

THE FIRST night as a prisoner passed peacefully and smoothly for August. The prisoners treated him as a wallflower until they dozed asleep. Everyone was already snoring, and some were even cursing in their dreams.

However, August was just sitting at the edge of the wall, staring at the prison cell door while hugging both his knees.

He wasn’t used to being with people— especially not during his sleeping time, and especially not in a prison cell.

He was used to being alone, and even though he had companions, he still felt isolated. No one here could be his ally. This would be a battle between him and the world.

There was only one thing on his mind. He needed to endure a year, although he doesn’t have any idea how. He doesn’t know what to do afterward— whether he’ll continue his revenge or not.

But one thing was for sure. Despite the fake confession that he needed to make before, August must prove his innocence! However, negative thoughts consumed him, again and again. He felt betrayed
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