Chapter 142


Rina glared daggers at Owen, he had provoked her and he wasn't going to hear the end of it. Owen couldn't help but tower over her as he was a few inches taller than her and she hated that fact now.

“Babe..” Owen started as he touched her face, her cheeks in particular. But she yanked his hand off with force. He kept his hands to himself but he still said what he wanted to anyways.

“I'm sorry Rina, I know I did you wrong, I broke the promises I made to you and I regret it deeply. But I do not know how to break it down to you that shit happened and no matter what, I can not change back the hand of time. I just promise that it won't repeat itself next time. Please” Owen said to her, but he could see that she was not relenting.

It seemed as if his words made her more angry.

“Save that story for another day, I will just have you know that Tyla or whatever you call her and I will not live together in this house, that shit ain't gonna happen, I'll
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