Chapter 143


Rina was shocked by the way he acted, Owen had never raised his voice at her since the beginning of their relationship and she couldn't understand why he did now. She looked at him as if he had grown row heads.

“What's wrong Owen?” She asked as he heaved. He looked at her, his eyes red with anger.

“You said it and you did it” he said with a low chuckle that sounded like an evil cackle. She looked at him with surprise. She didn't know what he was trying to say.

“What the hell are you talking about here?” She asked, she was getting to understand what he was trying to say.

“Just yesterday you found out about the pregnancy and you decided to mend her life today. How heartless can you be Rina? Even if you hate the mother, for God's sake, can't you even think of the unborn child?” Owenbm yelled at her.

Rina was shocked. She felt as if a drum was in her head and it was being hit by Owen's words. She never imagined Owen could blame her for
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