Chapter 58


Owen, Rina and Mia had left the hospital after hearing the doctors instructions. Owen had a solemn expression on his face, as he couldn't get his father's condition out of his mind. Somewhere within him, he felt that something was wrong.

He had not spoken to his father, as he was still asleep when they left. They had waited for a while expecting him to wake up, but when he didn't, Owen knew they had to leave, duty calls.

As long as the doctors confirmed that he was not dead, he tried to calm his mind.


“What a stressful day” Maria said as they walked into the lobby. She was all smiles as she couldn't get the thought of the upcoming wedding off her mind.

“I'll be in my room” Kate said and left. Maria huffed, she was less concerned about Kate's tantrums. This wedding was her only concern at the moment, and she was willing to do anything to make it come to pass. She didn't know why Esme was asking her all those questions, but she was
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