Chapter 64


Rina's emotions were all over the place as she found it hard to concentrate with the unwanted noise in the room. Mia and the other maids were bawling their eyes out, while the few available guards were at alert, patrolling every five seconds and this irritated her.

She tried to think of the people or person that might have planned and executed the kidnap, but she couldn't come up with anything. Owen had told her almost everything about himself, ever since the issue with Kate. But she didn't think he would have enemies that would be bold enough to kidnap him.

She paced to and fro for a while before she got an idea. She picked up her handbag, took her phone and left the room in a hurry while Mia called after her. She had just gotten into her car when she got a call from Paul, and she knew they had an update because she had told him to inform her if anything came up.


“We found traces, we are already on our way there” Paul replied

“Ook, send
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