Chapter 6 - Back to School.

Monsieur Dubois stood waiting with a scowl on his face in front of Vincent's apartment waiting for him. He finally saw him with a look of happiness on his face. His eyes possessed what Monsieur Dubois would casually call a fool's glimmer.

Today was the day the rent was supposed to be due, why on earth did he look so happy? Monsieur Dubois asked, his hand grasping hard to the walking stick that he held, shaking with tremendous annoyance at the young fool's behavior, prancing into the hall way like he owned the place.

Once he got closer, Monsieur Dubois fired off with his question. "Where is my money?" 

It caught Vincent off guard, but in no time, he returned the scowling look on Monsieur Dubois with a smile.

His behavior was shocking, but not any more than it was annoying and provoking to the man's anger. But before he could say any other word, Vincent was with a wad of cash that Monsieur Dubois' eyes were not fast enough to see from where it was that he pulled the money.

"Take," Vincent said, putting the cash on the old man's frail hand. "This is enough for not just this year's rent but for also the next five years. I'm leaving. Thanks for doing business with you, Monsieur Dubois!"

With no words to say, he felt the breeze passing by his body from Vincent moving excitedly into his apartment to get all his belongings. He was speechless throughout the ideal, even as he saw the lanky tall boy moving out with his bicycle behind a luxurious car, he still did not say a word. For if he could, it'd be: "how the hell did any of this happen?"

Vincent's new apartment was beautiful. A penthouse, perched at the topmost areas of one of the most luxurious buildings in town, from it he was able to see the Eiffel tower in all its beauty, the lights of Paris reflected into the building from the glass that covered it and made it so that he was able to see.

He spent the rest of that day exploring the place, still surprised at just how fast his world had changed at the end of the day, he fell right on a sofa and fell asleep right above the lights of the city of Paris.

He woke up finding out that he was late. With a smack on his face he got into the shower took his bath and left in such a hurry that he did not think of taking with him any of his cars.

He took his bike wearing his same old usual clothes. Once he arrived at the school premises he was greeted by the surprised looks from students who all stared at him like he was back from the dead. He heard whisperers floating right over his ears. The only bits he could make out was:

"Ugh, don't tell me he is still with us."

"I thought he was thrown in jail."

"Was he not supposed to be dead or something? Would that not be a good thing?"

"Why does he have that smile on his face? What sort of idiot is he?"

"Is he mocking us."

Despite all of this, he glided past them like a fish in water, unscathed and unmoved until he heard a familiar voice that called out to him in topmost excitement.

"Hey, Vin," the voice called out as a man almost as tall as Vincent came giving him an embrace. He looked extremely happy. "What are you doing here? I thought you were expelled."

"Well, quite a lot has happened," said an excited Vincent, not being able to find the exact words to tell him anything but give out a rather strange smile that had the other young man looking at him suspiciouly.

"What happened then?" he asked worried.

"I will tell you later about it, Denis. You sure I will. For now, I just have to make sure I don't lose my head while being in this school. We have to go to class."

Denis had always been the only one to stick around with Vincent right from time. Both were best friends as best friends could be. Vincent at times had wondered why exactly Denis stuck with him, and even with not a question asked, Denis on the other hand saw Vincent as interesting and funny, as the latter always had something going on in his life. Both young men always looked out for one another.

In class Vincent's presence brought forth the attention of everybody else once again, even the teacher, that it became quite a distraction for the whole day. When the class was over, Denis found a right time to ask the questions he had asked before of what exactly happened.

"So you see," Vincent began, but before he could continue talking the door of the classroom was opened violently and Henri and his gang made their way in.

"You bastard," he wailed, walking closer till he rested his hand on the desk of Vincent's seat. "You're going to tell me exactly what and how you managed to get back in here. After all you did. I will talk to my father about this, and you will be sent back to the street where you belong.

"Can you stop and look at yourself?" Denis said to him in annoyance. "Why are you getting this worked up because he is attending a school he paid for?"

Not able to believe the audacity that was being churned right through the mouth of Denis, Henri looked at him and laughed. A very dry and sarcastic laugh. Vincent did not say a word.

"What exactly are you?" He said. "I see... The both of you idiots actually fit each other, as the most wretched couple ever to grace the halls of this school." 

A round of laughter followed from Henri's friends applauding him. The entire class too joined into laughing at the joke even though it was nothing more than a dry joke.

"Listen to me," Henri continued once more, banging his fist to the table. "So long as you are in this school, I don't care what anyone has to say; this is my school and I will make the both of you suffer for even thinking you would have been accepted here in the first place."

After saying that he left with his gang of friends. Vincent and Denis did not say a word.

"So what are we going to do to them now?" One of Henri's friends asked in the hallway.

Henri kept quiet for a minute before replying. "I'm going to be hosting a party at my place in the weekend. From there we will show them who exactly is who in this school. But first I want to get them into attending the party. We will humiliated them when they do."

"So what is the plan?" 

"The plan is for all of you to go telling the other students in the school to try persuading the two degenerates to come. Tell them that if they do, I'll be giving each and every one of them a new phone."

"You're so smart lord Henri."

“Do that now."

As soon as that was said, they all dispersed, all his friends to go telling everyone to come to the party, equally telling everyone of them to try persuading Vincent and Denis.

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