Chapter 5 - The La Mec Mansion.

It took them thirty minutes to get to their destination. At that time, Vincent finally broke out of the surprise bubble that he had found himself. He was finally back in the real world, in a car with a one-eyed bald stranger that had just paid a huge amount of money to the VC like some sort of trade to get him.

His chest vibrated with the thumping of his heart. For all he knew the man in question could be some sort of organ trafficker that he had just been sold to. Sweat dripped down his face as he bit his lip.

"I'm sorry, Monsieur driver, sir—"

"The name is Frank." Frank cut his sentence short, his eyes still focused on the road attentively. "Frank Guillaume. But just call me Frank."

"Okay, Frank. I'm genuinely happy to have met you. You took me away from jail so I infact am very happy. But where are we going to?" Vincent sounded unsure and nervous. He had every reason to. Frank was still very much just a stranger to him.

"Well, no need to panic. It seems you have had a little encounter with my employers, the La Mecs, and they like you. There are the ones who instructed me to bring you to them."

Vincent remembered them but he did not exactly know what the big deal was about fixing a car that would have then freeing him from jail. He certainly did not. One look outside of the windows and he saw that there were at a part of town that he was not familiar with. He wondered what it would take to jump down from the car if by any chance Frank turned out to be a total wacko.

"Where are we?" He asked in a resigned tone after scanning the world outside of the car, trying his best to mark out the angle he would jump out of that would cause him less wounds.

"We are at the outskirts of Paris," Frank said calmly.

"Why are we at the outskirts of Paris?" 

"Because that's where the La Mec mansion is. As a matter of fact, we are here already."

And that was when Vincent saw the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his 25 years. And that was quite a lot as Paris is quite a beautiful place.

"What is this place?" He asked in total awe. 

"Like I told you; the La Mec mansion."

The gate was high up and it shone, endowed by gems of several colors all embroidered into its bars that had the look of gold. Behind the gate one could see the mansion, a large expanse of architecture, beautiful and graceful, and almost seemed to be touching the stars at its most highest point.

What Vincent saw was a place that had both the beauty of modernity with technology, combined with the serenity of the classics.

His fears, his tensions; everything seemed to have dissolved away from his mind like molten ice.

"Life's beautiful," he finally said out loud, staring and thinking about the series of events that had taken him here.

Frank chuckled as he saw the look in his face.

The got in the gate and reached the mansion soon enough. There was a little party going on outside with the La Mecs and some of their associates.

The car stopped and both of them got out. Mr. La Mec was standing with his wife just right there at a podium that led directly to the interior of the mansion talking to some few important looking men. Once he caught a glimpse of Vincent and Frank he tapped his wife on the shoulder, pointed at them, and started walking to their direction, the both of them.

"Nice to meet you, kiddo." Mr. La Mec greeted at first, welcoming him in with a handshake. Mrs. La Mec did the same.

Vincent did not know how to react. His words fell out of his mouth in gibberish at first, and decided for himself that it would be better if he just kept quiet, but it seemed even that would not save him for long as Mr. La Mec pulled him by the arm softly.

"Come here, let me show you to some people?" He said. Vincent turned red immediately as he got him in front of the men who all looked at him rather seriously with faces that seemed to radiate expectations.

"This is Vincent," Mr. La Mec began, his voice in a happy tone filled with so much cheerfulness. "He has really good hands I'm telling you. He was able to fix our car with just a mere touch from his fingers. 

They were all amazed and soon enough began to laugh in the tone of what he would call the typical rich man's laughter. The laugh of people who were shielded by the daily hustle and bustle that engulfed normal every day life.

"Well nice to meet you, Vincent," they all greeted back one by one. He presumed that they knew that Mr. La Mec did not by any chance mean that he really had magic hands, but that he was capable of fixing things in a very quick pace.

"We should go inside, I believe that you have a really nice story to tell us about yourself." Mrs La Mec said, holding his hand and once again staring into his eyes. To her there was something very familiar about it. Something she could not possibly place her hands on.

"Of course," agreed Mr. La Mec.

They got inside. The mansion was even more beautiful inside than it was outside. Vincent was seated on a comfortable couch and given a drink by a maid who walked gracefully away as soon as she gave it to him.

The La Mecs sat opposite to him and began with the questioning. "So tell us about you, Vincent. Why were you being carried by security guards away and why were you thrown in jail?"

He thought at first if to narrate everything that had happened would cause them to see him as a nuisance, but he decided that it would be better if he told the truth and so he began telling them everything.

"I was raised in an orphanage home," he said. "I don't know my parents, I have never had them. When I was too old to be there I got kicked out and ever since, I have been struggling on my own. I struggled to get everything I have now, including my education, but now, I no longer have even that anymore. I got expelled by the VC for fighting with his son, and got thrown in jail for that also."

The La Mecs listened with great pity in their hearts for him and after he was done speaking they hugged him.

"From now on," Mr. La Mec said, "All of that is over. You are too gifted to be living such a sad life. We'll be changing your life."

"Frank bring it in." Mrs La Mec called out and Frank came in not so long after with a tray covered with a red veil on his hand.

Vincent looked in curiousity as the tray was unveiled revealing a silver card with some inscriptions on it, three keys, two a car key, and another, a regular looking key.

"Take it. It's all yours," said Mr. La Mec. "There you have a premium card with an access to a bank account of 40 million Dollars, two keys to cars of 1.4 million dollars each, and a brand new two bedroom penthouse apartment worth 12 million dollars."

Vincent had his jaw drop the whole time as he heard the words flow of Mr. La Mec's mouth. He immediately went forth to kneel before them in total gratitude.

"No, don't do that." Mrs. La Mec urged. "We aren't done yet." Immediately she called the VC of his school Mattise University de Paris and told him to revoke the decisions he had made towards Vincent. He agreed immediately much to Vincent's surprise.

He was awe struck. That day, Vincent became a changed man, leaving the La Mec's mansion not just surprised but rich.

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