Chapter 4 - Frank Guillaume.

On a windy evening the next day around the school premises, another luxurious car came parking just close to the school's gate. A Rolls Royce. It brought forth the attention of students who all crowded around it with their eyes all lit up in awe of its beauty.

The door was flung open and a bald man with pitch black glasses, well framed cheekbones and jaw line and a muscular build, stepped outside of it wearing a white suit.

He looked around, as if selecting for a student. His demeanor was nothing short of intimidating, but this did not stop the students from admiring from the distance that they were perched on.

"Hey you," he called out, pointing at one of the students, a tall lanky boy with glasses and a bulb haircut. The boy walked foreward although his eyes were filled with uncertainty.

"Take me to the Vice Chancellor of this school," the man demanded, his voice was hoarse and as intimidating as his looks were.

"Y-yes." The boy replied, his tone shaking.

In a few minutes there were at the Vice Chancellor's Mattise' office. He smiled seeing the strange man as one did not need much to be told that the man reeked of wealth.

"My name is Frank. Frank Guillaume. I work for the La Mec family as their trusted person and escort." The strange man who had just said his name began, crossing his legs as he sat comfortably yet elegantly on the chair offered by Monsieur Mattise.

"Oh you work for the La Mecs?" The VC asked in wonder as a big grin stretched his old face in excitement. "To what do I owe this, Monsieur Frank? I presume a man of your elegance and class would not come lounging around my school for merely sight seeing. Especially knowing you work for the richest family in the world. To what do I owe this honour?"

"Well," Frank began, leaning in a bit more towards the VC, "I come looking for someone. He goes by the name Vincent. From the word I hear he is a Mechanical Engineering student. My employers have a certain interest in him. For them I have come to your school."

"Vincent!" the VC exclaimed, his brain failing to capture any good reason that a man like Frank or the La Mecs would be looking for someone like Vincent. "Ofcourse I know him! A scoundrel of a boy. What has he done this time to you? I hope nothing bad. Goodness lord, I hope that bastard has not brought shame upon the school and my name. What did he do this time? Tell me. It seems to be of a serious—"

"Relax Mattise. I believe he has done nothing wrong." Frank said, pulling from his jacket a cigar bar that he proceeded to lit up, smoke, and jet out of his mouth a puff of smoke. "My employers just have a special interest in him."

"Well I do not understand at all," Mattise said once again in a frantic fashion. "I know Vincent. He is a scoundrel. A scalliwag. Nothing good can ever come out of him. Why would they want him?"

"Well that is not the business of either of us is it? My employers just wants to see the boy. For him, the La Mec family is ready to donate 20 million dollars to the school for a start."

"20 million what?" VC Mattise jaw dropped in a comical manner that had Frank chuckling for a bit. "I am honored kind sire. Mr La Mec is funding the school with 20 million dollars. Surely that would never go wrong or bad."

"Well now we have it. You get funded, we get the boy. Is that a deal?"

VC Mattise did not know for certain what the reason they wanted Vincent was, but did he care about that? No. To him there was no reason to care. It was a win-win situation after all. He got to have 20 million dollars in his bank account and whatever mischief Vincent had gotten himself in to, as he was thoroughly sure he had, he had to face it.

"Well yes. Of course. I'll be delighted to help. But wait a minute first of all. I would put a call through." He called the police station immediately. "Hello. I'm calling for the sake of Vincent. Yes the scoundrel that attacked my son. I'm dropping all charges against him. You shall let him go, but tell him to come to my office immediately."

Vincent was in the cell feeling extremely bad for himself when the police men came announcing his freedom and how he would be taken straight to the VC's office.

He did not know exactly how to react to the news. He was free but then if he left the cell there would be no where else to go. His rent was expiring in a day's time. But regardless of this, he decided to grab fate by the horns and go.

Soon he arrived at the office with the escort of two police officers. He was greeted by the excited, widely eyed face of VC Mattise who he suspected at first instance to be on alcohol as he truly had never thought he'd see the man that lively and excited before.

"That's him. Vincent," the VC pointed out.

With his back turned to him, sitting on a chair was a bald man turning back to look at him, with a cigar bar in his hand and smoke churning out of his mouth. "Welcome kid," he said to him.

Vincent was convinced that they indeed were doing drugs this time. "What problem have I gotten myself into this time?" 

"Problem?" Frank stood up from his seat, took of his glasses revealing his one good eye. "On the contrary, you've gotten yourself into fortune. Lots of it. My employers, the La Mec family wants to see you."

Vincent all of a sudden remembered the name. "The La Mec!" He exclaimed softly.

Frank gave the VC a cheque of 20 million dollars and bade farewell to him. He went outside with Vincent. The both of them attracted the attention of the students once more as people wondered why on earth a man like Frank was with a douchebag like Vincent.

The looks even became more wild once they stepped into the car and drove off. 

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