Chapter 3 - The La Mec Couple.

Vincent did not offer to fight back. He promptly let himself swing on the hands of the security guards as they strolled out of the premises.

With one final swing of his head backwards, he was able to steal for what he felt was the last time, the view of the University. 

‘So just like that,’ he thought within himself, he was about to lose the only shot he had at gaining an education and making it out of the pitiful penniless life that he had been leading right untill now.

He fought back tooth and nail against the tears that were about falling right across his face. He wished for a second that his eyes had the suction power possessed by his nose to pull back on whatever it had excreted. 

He has worked hard in getting an admission there. He had to work twelve hours doing multiple jobs everyday in order to pay for his bills. Now everything had gone down the drain and all for what? All for nothing but a girl who was ready to betray him at the mere sound of money.

Again, he let his head dangle over his chest in total hopelessness and surrender. 

Towards the road a car was parked that drew his head and attention upwards in the car's direction.

An old man stood before it. The car looked good and quite a catch for a ride, but in his twenty-five years of living on earth, he had learnt to be wary of old men. Starting from his landlord to the VC, he had only had bad encounters with them.

There were always either demanding something from him, accusing him of something, or kicking him out of somewhere. So, though Vincent was a lover and fan of everything that would seem to have a wheel on it. Everything he perceived to be a vehicle, he turned away.

For some reason the old man followed his eyes, and whether or not, the old man was instead made curious by the sight of two muscular men holding a man on both of his arms, or were really for some strange reason thought that he had found himself some engineer to fix their car engine, he began calling out to them.

"Hey you, please I need your help." He said to them. “Our car broke down here and we really need the assistance of a car repairer.”

Both security guards looked at them in askance at first, but with more straining of their eyes, they suddenly glittered with much excitement.

"It's the La Mecs," one said to the other. "What are they doing in a place like this?"

"I don't know," the one said. "But I am sure we would be able to make quite a fortune out of them." He smiled, showing off very big teeth.

Vincent looked back to see what the ruckus was about. He saw that the guards were going dangerously close to the car and the old man. So close that he could see that the old man wasn't entirely old himself. He was middle-aged. Also he saw the car's door was open and that he was not the only person there. There was also a woman. A middle-aged woman.

He heard something about them being the La Mec family. He did not seem to believe that. Not only did he not watch enough TV to have actually known from their faces who they were, he also did not believe that any family could possibly be the richest in the world and wind up there on a street just close to his university.

"Thanks for coming," the man said. "We have a problem. I don't know if you can help me get a car repairer around here. We would appreciate very much. Our car broke down and we are trying to call our driver to get down here with one of the other cars at home, but we don't want to leave this here."

"Ah, is that it? Well you have met us. We'll be of good service," the security guards said grinning. Vincent rolled his eyes. He wished to be any other place but there, even though the only other place he could be apart from there was in jail.

"Are you sure?" Mr. La Mec wanted to say but got cut short by both men who kept giving themselves a vote of confidence.

They got right away into trying to fix the problem, but not right away did they fix it. For two hours did they frustrate themselves thinking they were doing something useful.

Vincent watched them and the comedy show they were putting on. His eyes would go from them into appreciating the beautiful specimen that the car was. Occasionally it would clash with both couple who would look at him interestingly but not say a word.

"Are you two done already?" He asked trying to dodge the uncomfortable aura that was oozing between him and the couple.

"Hey, shut up, kid!" Exclaimed one of the men.

"I am just trying to help. I think I can help you with a thing or two," said Vincent as he proceeded to go down under the vehicle like the two men were doing.

"Okay, kid" one of the security guards began. "No more word from you. I really hope you can help fix this as you claim. Because if we find this is a waste of time, we will have your head."

"I studied Mechanical engineering," Vincent said confidently, "What on earth do you take me for?"

With some hostile glares they left him to do exactly as he had said. He found out the problem in no time. Cars had always been something he was immensely loved to glare at and dream of. Fixing things had also been a talent of his. Certainly, this would not be as hard as his bike.

In a few minutes he was done and the car was up and running, leaving everybody else in shock.

"What did you do?"One of the guards asked.

"I fixed it," he said confidently.

"That's not—"

"What a delight, young man." Mr. La Mec said. "You have such gifted hands."

The woman sitting in the car came out to the light herself to congratulate him. He shook both their hands. They both stared at each other's eyes for a while before Vincent broke out of it by staring at the floor.

"We would like to know you more." Mr. La Mec said in excitement, taking away a cheque from his pockets and writing down a whooping sum of 20,000 dollars. " Here, take this."

Before Vincent would be able to take it, he was obstructed by the security guards who took him by his arms and said, “We'll take it from here, kind sir and ma'am. We have an unfinished business to deal with this young man."

Mr and Mrs La Mec stood and watched as the young lad who had just done nothing short of a magic trick for their car disappeared out of their view. The security guards took him to the police station and spared him not even a bit of the money given by the kind family.

But the La Mecs did not seem happy letting this slide. They made sure to find a way to get to Vincent no matter what. Immediately Mr. La Mec made a call to someone on the phone.

"Hello Frank, there is something we want you to do."

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