Chapter 2 - The VC's Office.

The VC of Matisse University de Paris was an old man. Vincent and nobody that he knew could ever confidently say that they knew his real name. Everybody referred to him as Vice Chancellor Mattise, and if Vincent did not know any better, he might have thought for certain that even his son, Henri, did not know the name of his father. 

That would have been a terribly comedic thing if it were really true, Vincent thought within himself, having once again one of those inner monologues that he usually had as he was held on both arms to the office of the VC by two security guards.

He nearly let out a chuckle as he got thrown into the office immediately, with the view of the old VC staring at him with a face full of scorn; his son just standing beside him, quiet, his lips and parts of his face still swollen.

Vice Chancellor Mattise was said to be in his fifties, but his head was already so crowded with white hair, his face, always with a frown reeking of wrinkles, had people guessing that he was actually beyond those years. Vincent agreed, especially seeing the man up close. A thought came dancing in his mind that maybe, maybe he was really as old as 100, but somehow at night, he transformed into a vampire to go around sucking blood that kept him still alive and standing.

"Why the smug look, young man?" Vice Chancellor Mattise finally said, noticing that Vincent had a look on his face that did not exactly give off the idea that he was in trouble. He seemed to be smiling.

"Nothing sir" Vincent said with all the seriousness he could muster out of himself, standing upright to look at the old VC.

"Don't sir me" VC Mattise thundered, what do you have to say for yourself you degenerate piece of trash?"

Before Vincent could reply to that the VC continued with his words, not waiting at all to hear Vincent's side of the story.

—"you know I'm tired of you degenerates in this school, thinking you own the place because you are able to pay the fees. I'm tired. What would it take me to be free from you? I guess I should increase the tuition fee once again to finally see you cut loose because you are poor just as everyone in your family has ever been. Oh, I forgot. You don't have a family."

Vincent felt himself flinch from those words, but he refused to react to it, chosing to merely stare, not at the white face of the VC, nor his son, but at the space between them.

"Look what you did to my son. Look! How dare you lay your filthy hands on him? What did you think that would prove? That you're not a degenerate? To impress a girl? I am surprised Mr. Vincen, that you are even able to afford thinking of women. You should be scared shitless every day if you'll be able to afford a day's food but you rather fight for lassies instead."

Henri who was still standing now had a smug look on his face. His eyes glittered with every insult his old father hammered down at Vincent. 

Vincent stood motionless. There was nothing much he could do. The words he was being told had been echoed to him time and time again without number. There was pretty much nothing he could do about it than to listen, or shut himself up from listening by tuning out of reality again into his inner monologue. He almost did so but a sound from the door woke him back up.

"I'm here" a familiar voice broke in. It was Rory, she looked as beautiful as ever. Vincent's face turned to her. His eyes following her petite body as it pranced in the office, in a steady gait, as nimble as that of a cat, waiting that she might look at him and act like he was a human being standing right there, but she did not, and that did not shock him, after her actions at the date, nothing it seemed coming from her could shock him anymore. Or atleast that was what he thought.

"Oh welcome mom Cheri" VC Mattise let out in a happy gesture, his old teeth brimming from beneath his lips. Vincent had never seen him smile that way before. Well, untill today, he had never even thought the old man could smile at all.

Rory went on to hug Henri who proceeded to give off once again his mocking smile back at Vincent.

"Oh watch. I command you to" the VC exclaimed. "Watch them and perhaps you would be able to learn a lesson or two from this, since it seems school does not teach you anything. Not even manners."

The two of them, Henri and Rory went on to kiss right there. Vincent immediately felt exactly what he had felt in the restaurant yesterday. He moulded his hand into a fist. ‘He was wrong,’ he thought. Rory had shocked him once again. How on earth could she do this to him? His mind once more was full of rage that in an instant, with full leap, he jumped right into Henri, plummeting him to the floor and left on his face, imprints from his fists.

Rory cowered away in fear. "Vincent!" she screamed. Now he had her attention.

In a minute more, security was called in, and once again, Vincent found himself in the clutches of the two hefty looking men that had escorted him inside.

"You're an animal, Vincent!" Rory screamed at him, rushing off to go tend to the battered Henri who laid on the floor. He pushed her away, standing up to point at Vincent.

"See papa, see what he's done." He cried out.

"Enough. How dare you?" The VC said, walking up to Vincent and leaving on his face a slap. "And in my presence? I can see you have truly not learnt a thing and need to be thought a thorough lesson. I hereby expell you from this school. You shall not be found on its premises any longer. And security take him to the station. Charge him with battery. He should be able to learn a thing or two from there.”

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