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Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide Chapter 142: Resting
Donald slashed his knife at the closest zombie, blowing its upper body off. As it collapsed to the ground, he was already moving on to the next zombie. He stabbed the knife into the next zombie's head and grimaced as he was covered in gore again. Then he performed a spinning kick on the last zombie before it could get too close to give him some breathing room.He stumbled and had to steady himself while wiping away the zombie bits from his face. That was an annoying part of using his power on the zombies. They now tended to explode in his face if he got too close. It was frustrating having to clean up after himself. Once he finished with the last zombie, he was going to see if he could get the gore out of his clothes.As he lunged toward the zombie, he was ready to finish it off when he saw something approaching. Skidding to a stop, he avoided the boulder that crashed into the zombie, turning it into splatter art. His heart raced at avoiding the same fate, and he looked to see who was
Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide Chapter 143: Meeting Up With a Familiar Face
When Donald woke up to intense shaking, he thought it was an earthquake. As he scrambled to move and drop to the ground for cover, his mind caught up to what was happening. The shaking he had felt earlier wasn't an earthquake. It was probably something hitting the house. Thoughts of what could have caused it crossed his mind, and none of them were good.With a grimace, he got to his feet and carefully approached the door to the bedroom. Quietly opening the door, he peered outside. It was hard to tell if someone had entered the building with all the noise outside. Apparently, the fighting had spread to where he was. Checking the time, he saw that only about half an hour had passed.Donald supposed he should be grateful that he even got that much rest. After debating whether he should remain in the room or not, he ultimately decided it was best to move. Based on all the shaking that happened earlier, he was probably not safe to stick around. Who knew if something more than shaking happe
Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide Chapter 144: Catching Up
"Donald?" Elizabeth's voice was enough to snap him out of it.Helping her remove the dead man, he said, "Yeah, it's me. I didn't expect to see you here of all places."She grimaced as he helped her stand up. "I assure you that this wasn't how I wanted our first meeting since we last saw each other to go.""Where are the others? Why are you alone?" he asked.Elizabeth winced, and he didn't have a good feeling about this. "As you know, we're supposed to register the people in our group to ensure we have access to areas where the zombies are. However, my group doesn't have that many awakened compared to many of the other groups, which focus on gathering only awakened."That was true. The two groups he interacted with had only awakened. He wasn't sure how they were able to pull that off, but he had no doubt that a significant number of the awakened were part of these two groups. It could be said that these two were the superpowers of the awakened. Elizabeth's group, on the other hand, was
Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide Chapter 145: Tracking Down Donna
When the results of the section were displayed, the duo had yet to find Donna. They did find traces of the fight, but she was nowhere to be found. If Donna had survived fighting them until time was up, Donald would like to believe that they would leave her be. They wouldn't get any points for killing her since it wasn't time, or at least he hoped that was the case.Seeing Elizabeth biting her lip, Donald said, "I'm sure she's fine. Her power is stealth. Remember."Actually, he couldn't recall exactly what Donna's power was. The others were quite rememberable, but he couldn't remember if she had told him what her power was. The only thing he was sure of was that it helped her get past zombies undetected. With that kind of power, she should be able to get away if she found the right opportunity to use it."You're right," Elizabeth said with a small smile. "She isn't the type to fall so easily."Being separated from her partner seemed to really bother her, but he didn't know how else to
Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide Chapter 146: Reunited
Someone's voice cut through the dark haze. "Brother!"Donald recognized that voice, but it had to be the last figment of his imagination before his death. There was no way his little sister would be there. She would be with her parents, away from the dangerous areas. However, he quickly realized that it might not be something his mind cooked up because of a lack of oxygen as the man strangling him was thrown off of him.Choking and gasping for air, he felt someone help him up. "Donald, are you okay?"He recognized this voice too. Looking towards the person who had helped him out, he was greeted with the sight of his mother's face. There was no way he wouldn't recognize her hair or eyes. Everyone always said he was a carbon copy of his mother, just like his sister was a carbon copy of their father. As his mother was checking him over, he glanced in Elizabeth's direction.Elizabeth was being helped by his father, but his sister was nowhere in sight. More importantly, if his parents were
Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide Chapter 147: Family Reunion
Donald was suddenly wrapped in a tight embrace as his parents hugged him. For a moment, he froze before he relaxed in their arms. Feeling their warmth was just further proof that they were real and that they wouldn't suddenly disappear right in front of him. Feeling something tug on his clothes, he looked down to see his sister looking up at him.Once she had his attention, she held her arms out in front of her as if asking for a hug. Breaking free from his parents grasp, he bent down and lifted her up. She was much easier to lift compared to before. Donald couldn't tell if it was because he had gotten more fit or because she had lost weight. He chose to be optimistic and think it was the former.As she giggled and happily called him brother, he looked back to his parents and asked, "What have you been doing since the zombie apocalypse started? Actually, can you tell me what you were doing when it happened?"The group sat down as his father said, "We had just arrived and were heading
Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide Chapter 148: Shocking Revelations
His sister threw her arms up into the air, nearly hitting him in the face, as she declared, "I made it."Donald blinked. "What?"His parents cleared their throats before his father said, "It's as your sister said. We made our own group."Staring at his parents, he tried to process what they just said. They created their own group? How? Why? He understood forming a group of survivors, but joining the battle royale implied that some of them had powers. If his family was the one to form the group, it had to mean they had powers. It had crossed his mind, but he couldn't imagine his sister having one.While he did encounter two kids with powers, he refused to accept that his sister had a power and system that would put her in danger. She would have to fight and kill zombies, which was something a kid shouldn't have to do. Even with his parents there to help, imagining his little sister going around stabbing zombies churned his stomach.Forcing his stomach to settle, he asked, "If you have
Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide Chapter 149: Elizabeth or His Sister
Elizabeth could see the writing on the wall. It was obvious to her that she was a liability in Donald's eyes. Of course, he would prioritize his family over her. They were his family. If she were in his place, she would have done the same. Donna was like a sister to her, and she would pick her over him. She understood, but that didn't make it hurt any less. However, she wasn't about to let herself be killed.Even though his sister's power made it seem like she was the zombie user at first glance, Elizabeth could tell that she couldn't be the one. There were too many holes for his sister to be the zombie user. She was confident that the zombie user was someone else. That wasn't what was important at the moment. Right now, her goal was to convince Donald that she won't do anything to harm them."Your sister's power would be a great help against the zombie user," Elizabeth said.Donald frowned. It seemed that Elizabeth didn't believe his sister was the zombie user, which was good. Howeve
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Author's Note
Hello everyone. I just want to thank all my readers who have been following along for so long. Donald's story has ended unless readers are interested in a sequel.I didn't expect to finish this story so quickly. Compared to my other two books, this one was completed in no time flat which I'm both proud and sad.Anyway, there are several things that I want to let you know.I'm hoping to wrap Rise of the Demon King: Caleb Gonzales's Rat Race up before the end of the year, but we'll have to see.I also intend to start a new story on Meganovel either in the same setting as Rise of the Demon King, but with no connections to the other two books or a different setting entirely. Maybe I'll do another zombie story.On another note, I've been debating whether I should publish a book not on Meganovel, but as an eBook like on A****n. It'll be under a different name since it'll be different than what I post here. It's something I'm considering.The last thing to note is that I'm still on the fence
Chapter 188: The Aftermath (2)
"I didn't realize he had his own group," Walter said as he looked at Donald.Donald's father nodded. "My son is a very capable man, so if you may excuse us, we need to get going. The rest of our group is waiting for us.""Hold it," Arthur said. "I find it suspicious that Donald has his own group but was going around joining other groups. Was he trying to sabotage other groups?"Even though Donald wanted to speak up, his father spoke over him and said, "I'm afraid that was because we had gotten separated. He didn't intend to do anything to your groups. He was simply trying to stick with a group until we could meet back up."Listening to everyone talk, Donald found himself wondering if something had happened while he wasn't aware. Why were his family and the others acting like he was the leader of a group? That wasn't true unless they had secretly made him the leader without him noticing. They hadn't, right? He really hoped they didn't because he wasn't leader material."I would still l
Chapter 187: The Aftermath (1)
Walter frowned as he observed his surroundings. All the zombies collapsed after the news that the zombie user was dead was announced. It was hard to accept that the threat hanging over their heads was really gone, but the proof was right in front of him. Well, until he saw the body, it couldn't really be called proof. However, there was a reason why he hadn't gone in.Whoever had killed the zombie user was still inside. Instead of rushing and possibly offending such a powerful person, he would rather wait outside to meet them. He needed to make a favorable impression on them if he was going to get them on his side. Now that they were free from the shakles of the zombie apocalypse, they were free to do whatever they wanted.If he got the person who killed the zombie user on his side, people would flock towards them. He just needed to raise up the hero, and his group would be the one people looked to. However, the hero hadn't made his appearance yet. Walter wondered what was taking them
Chapter 186: What Comes After the Zombie Apocalypse
"Are you alright?" Nicole asked as she stared at Donald, who was staring at Amanda's lifeless body.Snapping out of it, Donald said, "Yeah, I'm good."Nicole frowned as Elizabeth said, "You don't have to lie. It can't be easy to kill someone."That was right. He was a murderer now. The thought felt strange. When he was strangling Amanda, it didn't feel real. It was like watching a stranger kill with his hands. She was unexpectedly sturdy, so he ended up relying on his power to finish her, and he wasn't talking about his electrical power. He ended up using his fire power for the first time.He wasn't sure what possessed him to do it, but he called up his fire to burn her body to a crisp. His hands still stung from the flames he had unleashed. Since it was still weak, he wasn't invulnerable to fire. Fortunately, his father was able to heal them, though he couldn't meet Donald's eyes. That was fine. He understood why his father was acting that way.Despite knowing this, it still hurt tha
Chapter 185: Anticlimactic Finish
After several moments of silence, Donald asked, "What just happened?""I'm not sure," Nicole admitted as she lowered her arms.The group was still trying to process what had just happened. They had been fighting for their lives against Amanda, who decided to call for backup, which was a giant hand. However, the giant hand had turned against her and crushed her instead. It was actually quite anti climatic. The one person who had been terrorizing everyone had been finished off just like that.That's when Donald noticed that the zombies were still moving. "Guys, I think she's still alive."Everyone stared at him in disbelief as Donna said, "You can't be serious. You saw what happened, didn't you?"Of course he had. His eyes had been wide open since he wasn't one of them who flinched. However, how would it explain why the zombies were still moving? If she were dead, they would have surely stopped since her power would no longer be moving them. The system also hadn't made any announcements
Chapter 184: Making Their Move
Donald flinched when he heard Amanda's scream of rage. Looking back, he met her bloodshot eyes with his own. She was practically seething with rage. It was fortunate that he was able to take the hostages while she was distracted, or else she might have killed them right then and there. What was even better was that his mother and Elizabeth were waking up."How dare you," she snapped."Is that all you have to say?" Donna taunted. "I suppose you don't have the brains to think of anything else."He was relieved that Donna drew Amanda's attention away, but he was now worried that she might have bitten off more than she could chew. Now that she had Amanda's undivided attention, she was in serious trouble. Donna had only managed to kill one zombie so far. The others were only slightly injured, as they were more powerful than before."What's going on?" his mother muttered, drawing Donald's attention.Bending down, he looked her in the face as he said, "Mom, I know you're confused, but we rea
Chapter 183: Choosing a Hostage
Amanda cackled. "I thought so. There's no way you would pick your family."Donald could only grit his teeth and glare as she dared to touch them with her dirty hands. It was disgusting watching her get all handsy with them, especially when they weren't awake. If he could, he would rip her hands off so she couldn't touch any of them again. Unfortunately, all he could do was watch as her hands trailed from his family members to Donna."You know I considered purposely letting the person you choose be the last one just to see the look on your face," she said, causing his heart to lurch. "However, I'll be nice this time and listen to you this time."As she said this, she suddenly shoved Donna forward. Her head hit the ground with a loud thud. As if breaking free from a spell, Donna snapped her eyes open. She blinked several times with a groan. Then she took a good look at her surroundings. Seeing the glazed look in her eyes, Donald could tell she was still out of it from whatever Amanda di
Chapter 182: Thoughts of Revenge
The dark look on Amanda's face sent shivers down Donald's spine. "Is that so? Then I'll take responsibility."Donald immediately realized he had gone too far, but it wasn't entirely his fault. Trying to reason with an insane person was difficult, especially when she wasn't willing to listen to logic. What was more worrying was that she was now bending over the hostages as if deciding what to do with them. He didn't like where this was going. However, there was nothing he could do as she laid a hand on his sister."How about I feed one of them to my zombies? How does that sound?" she asked with a sinister smile."Don't!" he shouted as he took a step forward.The zombies around them immediately reacted and stepped forward, making him stop in his tracks as Amanda said, "You shouldn't make any sudden movements. You don't want to make things worse, do you?"He scowled. "Don't lay a hand on them."She only smirked. "I think I like this new plan better. What better way to get revenge than to
Chapter 181: Meeting the Zombie User
Donald gasped as he opened his eyes. Sitting up, he immediately checked himself over. There didn't appear to be any bitemarks anywhere. In fact, he didn't appear to be injured in the slightest. Any scrapes or bruises he had could be chalked up to being pushed to the ground by the zombies, which didn't make sense now that he thought about it.Why hadn't the zombies tried to bite or kill him? If the zombie user was out to get him, it would make sense for the zombies to hurt him. However, it seemed that they had been careful with him, which wasn't something he thought was possible. How were zombies capable of moving him with their stiff and awkward bodies? Finally taking the time to check his surroundings, he saw that he was in the company building."Why am I here?" he muttered to himself."You're awake," someone said.He spun around to see who spoke, but he couldn't see anyone except zombies. Donald was immediately struck by the memory of what happened before he blacked out and flinched