Chapter 14- Sword Intent (part 2)

Hearing his brother’s shameless comment, Longmin frowned and glared at him before continuing to his main point.

“When you executed the sword movement a moment ago, how did you view the sword in your hand?”

Longwei was already in a sitting position, and when he heard his brother’s question he shrugged his shoulder and said, “I just see it as a sword I’m going to use to cut the leaves.”

“And that’s where your mindset is off. I’ve read some old texts in the clan that spoke about becoming one with your weapon and view it not as a weapon, but a part of you. I think that if you're able to view your sword, not just as a sword, but an extension of yourself, then you’ll be able to step across that final watershed, and allow the sword intent seed within your dantian to bloom into real sword intent.”

Longwei pondered on those words for a while, before jumping up from his sitting position and going up to the tree.

Longmin made way for his brother to stand under the tree.

When Longwei was back to his original position of holding his sword hilt, Longmin waved his hand and produced a gale of wind that caused several leaves to fall off from the tree, which was around three times the previous amount.

Just like before, the sword aura returned around Longwei and spread three feet into the surroundings from his body.

Longwei had changed his preconception about the sword in his hand and viewed it as a part of him. As if he were the sword, and the sword was him.

Just when he was about to draw the sword from its scabbard, he felt a sudden change in his sword aura. Before he could tell what that change was, his mind suddenly went blank.

When he came to, he saw the dozens of leaves being scattered away in mid-air.

His expression became dumbfounded as he watched this scene not knowing what had just happened. When he turned to Longmin, wanting to ask him if he was the cause, he saw that his mouth was agape.

“Um… little bro, did you just..”

Before Longwei could finish his sentence Longmin shook his head and said, “I didn’t do anything, that was all you. Your sword aura abruptly changed, and when I sent my Spiritual Sense to examine it, I suddenly felt a sense of danger and hurriedly withdrew my Spiritual Sense. Afterward, I just saw the leaves being ripped to shreds, even the ground wasn’t left unscathed.”

Longmin pointed at the ground, and Longwei looked below him to see countless sword marks all over the concrete floor. Most of them were around two or three inches deep, but Longwei saw some that were around half a foot deep. Though they were different in size and depth, they all had something in common, and that was they were all within a three feet area surrounding Longwei.

Longmin voice sounded again.

“During the short period when my Spiritual Sense was in your three feet of sword aura, I felt as if I was transported to a world where the earth, the sky, the wind, and just everything, was a sword out to chop me in two. The change in your sword aura, was most likely it turning into sword intent in that brief moment.”

And indeed it had.

Longwei had just accomplished something that any swordmaster would kill for.

He had entered the legendary state known as the ‘Unity of Man and Sword,' or the 'Unity of Man and Blade.'

This was a state where someone's mind would become blank as they receive sudden enlightenment on their technique. It's also a state that was necessary for any sword or blade genius to enter if they wanted to comprehend blade or sword intent.

Even though there were no records of sword intent users on planet Daiyu, other planets have had sword geniuses that had comprehended sword intent before. And if you asked them what might be the cause of their comprehension, all of them would undoubtedly say that it was due to them entering a trance-like state one morning and just waking up the next being able to use it.

That trance-like state was Unity of Man and Sword.

However, there were reports of people entering the Unity of Man and Sword but were still unable to comprehend sword intent. So just entering it isn’t enough, having sufficient talent to gain insights from the enlightenment is also crucial.

Whether Longwei can allow his sword intent seed within his dantian to bloom depends on his talent.

Though, he seems to be unconcern about that aspect.


After hearing his brother’s words, the excitement in Longwei’s heart grew and with a haughty expression on his face, he lifted his head and laughed out loud.

Doing a celebratory dance, Longwei boastfully said, “See that you demoness Yuyan, your not the only one who’s a genius. You comprehended blade intent when you were in the mid-stage of the Foundation realm, so of course, I could comprehend sword intent as well, Hahaha…”

Longwei continued to dance and laugh like a maniac, but before he could get more full of himself, Longmin mercilessly crushed his ego.

“What are you so boastful about? Can you even replicate what you just did? It’s obvious you haven’t actually comprehended sword intent yet.”

Longwei’s laughter got stuck in his throat while he almost tripped over his own feet when he heard that.

Pointing a finger at Longmin, Longwei said in a threatening tone.

“You, do you think I won’t change my mind and decide not to carry you to the Yellow Leaf Valley tomorrow?”

“Don’t you know it’s bad manners to point your finger at someone?" Longmin slapped away Longwei’s hand while he said that.

“Ahh, little brother,” Longwei said while shaking his head in an exaggerated manner.

“Did winning a couple of months ago, and gaining Spiritual Sense inflated your confidence? Did you forget our score is 202 to 200, with you being the one lagging behind?”

“Wait, no, scratch that. Make it 203 to 200, because I think that confidence of yours needs to be knocked down a notch.”

Upon saying that, Longwei drew his sword and slashed out at Longmin.

Longmin had a grin on his face as he used his Emperor's Fists to struck out at the incoming sword.

A loud ‘dang’ that sounded like a metal colliding against another metal echoed out in the courtyard.

Longmin retreated half a step due to the collision, but Longwei was forced to take a full step back. Indicating that Longmin had gained the upper hand in the exchange.

"I don't need to use my Spiritual Sense to beat you, and as for that two-win lead you have over me, it was because of you scheming against me during our fights that you got them."

Without waiting for Longwei’s response, Longmin release another punch which made a swooshing sound in the air as went for Longwei's chest.

In the small courtyard, fighting noises echoed out as the two brothers began their 403 sparring match.


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