Chapter 15- Hidden Danger

Leaving the Wu Clan, Longmin and Longwei entered the bustling city of Lou Fu.

The both of them had changed their appearance due to the insistence of Longwei, but Longmin had been reluctant as he wasn’t fond of disguising himself as his brother did.

Walking along the streets of Lou Fu, Longmin eyes glisten with curiosity as he looked left and right at all the different buildings and people.

He hadn’t been outside of the clan in six years, and for those six years, all he had been doing was reading the books in the clan’s library, front to back and back to front. Now that he was allowed to leave the clan he wanted to explore every inch of the Wu Continent and see all the places he had read in those books.

One thing he realized was that all the people he walked past were cultivators. Though he wasn’t that surprised as he read somewhere that the City of Lou Fu was where all the top sects and clans reside. They had set up stores that sell all sorts of top-quality resources useful for cultivators, like magic items, cultivation techniques, and even Spirit herbs for Alchemy masters.

Because of this, cultivators from all over the Wu Continent flock towards Lou Fu City.

There was even a saying among cultivators, that if you want something to buy and can’t find it anywhere, then head for Lou Fu City, there's plenty of it there.

Longmin was looking at a rather large building that had a sign above the entrance saying ‘Half Moon Alchemy Pavilion’.

The number of people entering and exiting this building was a lot more than the other stores Longmin had passed. It was more luxurious as well, showing that this store was on another level than its surrounding competitors.

Standing at the entrance with Longwei by his side who was nonchalantly clasping his hand behind his head, Longmin contemplating whether to enter and see what an Alchemy store looked like. Even though he didn’t practice alchemy, he did read some books about it and had a basic understanding of it.

When he finally made up his mind to enter and was just about to walk across the small walkway to the store entrance, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded from behind.

“Move aside.”

The two brothers in disguise turned their heads around to see three young men that were around sixteen or seventeen years old standing behind them. Judging by their similar blue robes, they seem to be disciples from a sect.

The one in the middle that had just spoken was stared at them with an expressionless face.

Longwei looked at the spot he and Longmin were standing at in the entrance walkway and realized that they were slightly in the way, however, it wasn’t so much that they had to step aside to let three people pass, there was plenty of space for them to walk around.

Looking at the group, Longwei spoke in a dull tone.

“Why don’t you just walk around? Why should we move?”

A frown appeared on the young man’s face when he heard Longwei's words.

He then looked over Longwei and Longmin’s clothes before a scornful look covered his face as he arrogantly said, “Little brat, a good dog doesn’t block the way, scram!!”

Longmin brows slightly lifted in surprise, as he didn’t expect that this young man would start cursing at them due to Longwei’s simple words. All they had to do was just walk around, but he insisted that they move aside.

Longmin had never seen such an arrogant disciple before.

What’s even more, all three of them were in the ninth level of the Qi Gathering realm, while Longmin and Longwei were giving off the cultivation base of mid-stage Foundation realm cultivators.

Longmin thought to himself that this young man was a little too arrogant. Even the two other disciples behind him had hostile gazes that made it seem like they were about to attack him and Longwei if they didn’t move.

Longmin wonder which sect these people were from, for them to be so overbearing and arrogant.

And that was when Longmin’s gaze drifted to a silver crescent moon insignia on the right side of their chest. Eyes lighting up in understanding, he then turn his head around and looked back at the sign above the store entrance, to see a similar insignia beside the store’s name.

He came to a sudden realization that the store was probably owned by the top Sage Sect, the Crescent Moon Sect and that these people were likely disciples of that sect.

‘No wonder they were acting so overbearing’, Longmin thought to himself.

‘They probably saw mine and Longwei’s ordinary robes and thought we were just some random cultivators gazing at their store. Looking at their willingness to attack us if we don't move, they must have assumed we wouldn’t dare fight back. No! They definitely think we wouldn’t fight back because they were from the Crescent Moon Sect. Even though their cultivation talent was probably trash, for cultivators without a background or sufficient strength, getting into a conflict with them would only end up with them being severely beaten, or worse… dead.’

Thinking up to here, Longmin couldn't help but let out a sigh in his heart.

‘Looks like the cultivation world really only consists of the strong preying on the weak. Even with their low cultivation base at their age, they could beat up a random cultivator without a background and nothing would come out of it. Even if that cultivator had a little bit of strength, they wouldn’t dare fight back due to the fear of facing the Crescent Moon Sect’s retaliation for hurting their disciples.’

Longmin finally came to understand a little bit of what those books in the clan library were talking about. That the cultivation world was where only the strong could survive and where the weak were mercilessly crushed. Having a stronger background was also considered one’s strength, though it was external.

Longmin began to think about how his brother would leave the clan by himself in disguise while suppressing his cultivation, and he realized why he’d always done that.

He turned towards Longwei and saw that he was looking at the three disciples with a malicious grin plastered across his face, that said, 'someone finally took the bait.'

Longmin understood that his brother was most likely a sadistic manic that had been left unsupervised all this while.

The reason he disguised himself and suppress his cultivation was to create this very situation, where arrogant disciples would pick on him thinking he was easy to bully. And knowing what his brother was like, Longmin knew that he wouldn’t have let them off easy. 

Longwei hadn’t reacted much after being treated like that within the clan, so Longmin didn’t realize how sinister his brother’s hobby was.

Looking at how he was grinning at the Crescent Moon Sect’s disciples, Longmin hurriedly pulled his brother to one side and allowed the group of three to pass.

With a cold snort, the young man walked past Longmin and Longwei, along with his two followers who were threateningly staring at them.

Longwei had a frown on his face while his cold eyes looked at the backs of the three disciples.

Without turning his head he said, “Little bro, are you just going to let them insult us like that and not do anything?”

Longmin looked at his brother and then shook his head.

“This could've been avoided if we hadn’t disguised ourselves, and it’s not like they knew who we are so why should we care about what they say?”

Longwei countered by saying, “That’s not the point. The fact that there are people like them in the Crescent Moon Sect who think it’s fine to bully someone with their backing or someone weaker than them is unsettling. And don’t tell me that’s just how the cultivation world works, I’m doing this because people like them need to be taught a lesson...”

Hearing that Longmin became slightly surprised.

'Was that his real reason for doing this?'

Thinking about how he had assumed his brother was doing this because he was a sadistic maniac, Longmin became slightly guilty.

However, Longwei’s next words caused his apology to become stuck in his throat, after which he got the sudden urge to slap himself in the face.

“Brother I’m…”

“...That’s what I would have said if I had cared about the Crescent Moon Sect, but this is just for my own enjoyment. People like them are just too fun to mess with... hahaha,” Longwei said then released a dark chuckle.

With a hand over his face and resisting the urge to slap his brother, Longmin walked away from the Alchemy store.

Seeing this, Longwei called after him.

“Hey little bro, weren’t you going to enter the Alchemy store?” Longwei said pointing at the store.

Longmin turned around and glared at him before saying,

“Stop addressing me as, little brother, we're the same age! And there’s plenty of time to go sightseeing after we return from the Pocket Realm. We’ve already wasted too much time, the Pocket Realm could open at any moment.”

Letting out sign Longmin continued, “I shouldn’t have listened to you about sneak out of the clan! Now we’re probably not going make it in time.”

Longwei caught up to Longmin and slung his arm over his shoulder before ignoring his earlier request and said,

“You worry too much little brother, did you forget our convenient transportation method?”

After saying that Longwei casually glance around his surroundings for a while, and when he didn’t find what he was looking for he turned back towards Longmin and whispered in a low voice next to his ears.

“Say, little bro, would you mind using those eyes of yours to help find that old fogy?”

Not saying anything in response, a blue and gold rune appeared in Longmin’s currently brown pupils.

Afterward, Longmin was about to look around, but before he could, his eyes suddenly paused on the space next to Longwei.

He then retracted his gaze while the runes disappear from within his pupils.

With a somewhat amused tone, he said, “That old fogy you're referring to is standing right next to you.”

Hearing that Longwei’s expression stiffen.

Slowly turning his head to his lift side, he force out a smile as he said, 

“Ah, Uncle Sun would you mind teleporting us to the Yellow Leaf Valley?”

A gruff voice sound from the space Longwei was looking at.

“You stinking brat didn’t the Grand Elder beatings taught you anything?!”

“Haha... Uncle Sun, I definitely knew you were there, I was only joking.”

A cold snort was the only response Longwei got, before he and Longmin’s figure suddenly vanish from Lou Fu City’s main street and the whole city entirely.

On the street where Longwei and Longmin had disappeared, the people who saw them suddenly vanish didn’t even flinch or take a second glance. This was a city where the population was 99% cultivators, so people suddenly vanishing wasn’t all that uncommon.

It was just that, a young man wearing a blue robe with a silver crescent moon on his right chest, not far away, was staring rather intently at where they had vanished.

No, even before that, the young man had been watching Longmin and Longwei every since they had left the Wu Clan. What’s even more, not even elder Sun had detected his presence. If he had, he would have realized that the young man’s eyes held a bone-freezing killing intent while looking at the two brothers.

When Longmin had used his Mystical Dao eyes, his body had begun shaking uncontrollably.

Whether it was from anger or excitement… or maybe both, no one knew.


~Fun Fact~

Lou Fu is a Chinese Pinyin that can be translated as; to show one's wealth, to let one's wealth show.


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