Chapter 17- The Major Sects And Clans Views… Unable To Utter A Response

In the surroundings, the elders and hundreds of disciples from the major sects and clans were in the area watching them with a somewhat mocking gaze.

The Yellow Leaf Valley's Lesser Pocket Realm was the biggest of the three Pocket Realms on the Wu Continent. It was also a special place of cultivation for the younger generation of the various sects and clans.

Every fifty years, when the Pocket Realm opens, the Core Formation disciples would go through fierce competition within their own organizations to be chosen as one of six candidates to enter the Pocket Realm.

This in itself was extremely difficult to accomplish as one would need to have the strength and talents to outperform thousands of other candidates, and stand out among their peers as one the strongest in their organization.

It wasn't a stretch to say that every disciple who stood here at the Yellow Leaf Valley was a terrifying genius, who had proven themselves by struggling through muddy waters to clinch a spot to enter the Pocket Realm.

But, out of nowhere, these two greenhorn young masters of the Wu Clan came and snatched away two of the limited spots for themselves, and another two more for their bodyguards standing behind them.

Of course, some of the disciples would feel discontent. They had spent so much effort just to get a spot, but Longmin and Longwei were casually handed four of them.

The disciples from the organization that had their spots taken away were livid with rage. That's not to mention that they were only in the Foundation Building stage and not the required Core Formation realm. Some disciples scoffed within their hearts at this as the Pocket Realm was not a place two mid-stage Foundation realm cultivators could venture into.

The place was filled with vicious demonic beasts and man-eating plants, with danger lurking at every possible corner. There were even rumors of Nirvana realm demonic beast within the deeper regions of the Pocket Realm.

Because of this, even the Core Formation disciples were caution by their sects to careful.

"Those two are the Wu Clan's young masters, right? What are they doing entering the Pocket Realm, do they think they're going on a picnic?" A disciple said with ridicule.

Another disciple laughed then said, "Look, they even have two late-stage bodyguards to protect them… Hahaha"

"This isn't someplace for brats like them to play around in. Why did the Sage Sects even agree for them to enter the Pocket Realm in the first place?"

A disciple chimed in and said, "Do you think the Sage sects had a choice in the matter? The Wu Clan is the most powerful force on the continent, one word from them and not just the Nirvana sects have to bow their heads, they too have to as well."

One disciple scoffed and said, "So what? That doesn't mean they can come and take what's ours. Aren't they filth rich? Why would they need to send any of their members to our Pocket Realm?"

"Yeah, that's right. Some of the items and treasures in the Pocket Realm might be rare and valuable, but a member from the Wu Clan could probably fork out such things with ease. Not to mention they're the young masters of the Wu Clan. If they had wanted a treasure from the Pocket Realm, they could've just bought it at an auction house. And as for training experience don't even mention that the Lesser Pocket Realm isn't a place some Foundation building brats can enter..."

Such over-exaggerated and ridiculing comments went back and forth between the disciples, and they didn't even take the liberty to lower their voices. The elders that were there turn a deaf ear to it all.

Longmin frowned when he heard those comments but he didn't say a thing in response.

Longwei's expression, however, became frosty as he glared over at the crowd of disciples. Radiating an aura similar to the one in the Wu Clan training grounds, his voice became cold as he said,

"Why is there a bunch of useless dogs barking here? Wasn't it our Wu Clan that kindly gave your sects and clans permission to use the Pocket Realm in the first place? Now you're claiming it's yours. What's next? will you start claiming the Wu Continent to be yours as well?"

The disciples all stopped talking and turned their gaze in Longwei's direction to shoot angry daggers at him. The elders in charge of their various clans and sects also looked over at him with disapproving eyes.

Longwei's words were extremely vicious, and he said in such an ingenious way it caused the disciples in the valley to be taken aback.

Right after insulting them by calling them dogs, he went on to mention how the Wu Clan had been kind enough to allow them to use the Pocket Realm, hinting at the fact that their early words made them ungrateful.

He even went on to say that they would claim the Wu Continent as theirs, suggesting that the sects and clans were planning on going against the Wu Clan.

Those follow-up remarks made it so that even if they wanted to respond to his early comment of calling them useless dogs they couldn't. If they did, not only would that confirm that they were ungrateful, it would even lead to suspicions of them harboring thoughts of fighting against the Wu Clan.

The expressions on the disciples' faces looked as if they had swallowed a fly. They wanted to shout at this sharp tongue brat and release their anger upon him, but they were unwilling to jump in the pit that this brat dug for them, by responding. They could only curse in their hearts and accept the fact that they were called dogs right to their faces and couldn't even say a single thing about it.

The elders from the sects and clans were displeased by Longwei's comment, but they had to admit to themselves that despite being so young, this child from the Wu Clan scheming ability and way with words was even comparably to some old monsters that had live for a long time.

Being able to insult all the young elites from the major sects and clans by calling them dogs, and rendering them unable to respond was not something just any ordinary fourteen-year-old could do.

These were prideful sons and daughters of heaven, with prestige and glory to their name, but now, they were reduced to being dogs.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the young elites, Longwei return to his jovial self before he turned to Longmin and said with a chuckle.

"Haha, little bro, look how I called them dogs and they couldn't even utter a response."

Longwei then began to laugh, while Longmin just shook his head with a wearily smile on his face.

Longwei had not been talking low so when the crowd of disciples heard him, they felt as if they were about to cough up a mouth of blood from anger. Being called a dog by a Foundation Building brat and not being able to respond, then having salt rubbed on their wounds was tantamount to being slapped in the face repeatedly.


~Fun Fact~

A banana is considered to be a berry, which I had no idea about.


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