Chapter 22- The Incompatible Brothers... First Adventure

Upon entering the Pocket Realm, Longmin immediately felt a change in the atmosphere.

First of all, Spiritual Qi that was abundant everywhere in the outside world, was nonexistent here. What replaced it was this strange energy that was somewhat similar to it.

Longmin had read a lot of books in the Wu Clan, but none of them ever mention what this energy was. As a matter of fact, there weren't any books in the Wu Clan that actually explain what the Pocket Realm was and how it came to be.

There were only a few speculations scattered here and there that all said the same thing, that it was a different dimension created by high-level experts in the past, to pass on their legacy and wealth. That would have explained the ruins and treasures within the different Pocket Realms.

Though this was the truth that the majority of people accepted, the fact that they were around for thousands of years with no one getting any legacy of the sort, remains in question.

There were also two types of Pocket Realms, a Lesser Pocket Realm, and a Greater Pocket Realm.

The major differences between them were their size and the strength of the laws within them.

For a Lesser Pocket Realm, the laws of heaven and earth within them were only strong enough to accommodate cultivators in the Core Formation realm and below.

If someone in the Nirvana realm were to force their way in maybe the Lesser Pocket Realm would be able to hold out from collapsing, but it would constantly try and expelled that Nirvana realm cultivator through extreme methods, that could scare them witless.

If a Sage realm expert tried to enter a Lesser Pocket Realm, their aura alone would cause it to crack and fall apart like a house of cards.

A Greater Pocket Realm though, was far larger than a Lesser Pocket Realm and the laws within them were strong enough to allow Sage realm cultivators and below to enter.

Looking around at the spectacular scenery in the Pocket Realm, the second thing that Longmin notice was different, was that there were four suns in the sky!

Which made him flabbergasted because this was such a big difference from the one sun in the outside world.

'How could this small dimension contain four suns? Was this place really created by an expert in the past? If so, how much power did this person had for them to have created such a place? Can granduncle even do something similar?'

Longmin was absolutely taken aback by the sight, and not just him, even Longwei was staring wide-eyed at the strange phenomenon.

The last thing Longmin realized was the increase in gravity. Judging by the pressure on his shoulders, he could sense that the gravity was nearly thirty times stronger than the outside world.

At first, he had a hard time adjusting to the pressure but eventually, he was able to bear with it due to his strong fleshly body.

Longwei however didn't have such luck, sword cultivators were inherently more prone to have weaker physiques than someone in the same realm. As he walk a few steps forward, his feet would leave behind deep footprints in the ground.

Seeing this, Longmin laugh and took the opportunity to make fun of his brother.

"Brother in these circumstances, wouldn't you have been happier if your Legendary Physique actually gave you a stronger physique rather than a faster cultivation speed?"

Longwei who was a few feet ahead turned and glared at Longmin.

Longmin's only reaction was his grin becoming wider.

This brother of his always had a glib tongue during their conversations, so Longmin always had a bitter taste in his mouth at the end.

Times like these where he didn't have a come back for everything were rare, and Longmin always took advantage of it by knocking him down a notch.

Seeing the grin on his brother's face Longwei released an angry laugh before saying, "You just wait until I get my hands on that Heavenly Pallet, we'll see how long that grin of yours can stay on that face. And don't think I forgot how you sneakily used your Spiritual Sense during our match yesterday. After I develop my Spiritual Sense there's no way you're going to beat me."

Longmin huffed and said, "Compared to how you're always pulling those tricks during our matches, mines is nothing. And what if your Spiritual Strength transforms into Spiritual Sense, is that going to make a difference?"

As the two brothers bicker back and forth, the two guards' perpetual indifferent expressions were broken by the slight curve of their lips. They were both thinking to themselves that their two young masters were really too incompatible.

They were practically fire and water, as soon as one gets closer to the other, it's either the fire evaporates the water or the water overpowers the fire and extinguishes it.

They were young at the moment so they were at an equilibrium somewhat.

But as they grow older, that might completely change.

"Well whatever, our goal for coming to the Pocket Realm is to get my Heavenly Pallet from the Spring of Incarnation. So that's where we're heading."

As Longwei said that he sent his Spiritual Strength into the jade slip in his hand, and a detailed map of the Yellow Leaf Pocket Realm appeared in his mind.

Looking at the map, one could see that the Pocket Realm was several hundred kilometers in size and was separated into the outer region, the inner region, and the core region.

The largest of the regions, the outer region, was the safest place that only had low-tier and mid-tier rank 2 demonic beasts. Though the area was safe, the highly valuable treasures within that region were already swept clean by the past disciples. Maybe several mid-grade and high-grade spirit herbs could be found, but one had to search high and low to find some.

The somewhat smaller region, the inner region, was where the disciples mainly focus. There were several palace-like ruins in the area that would spew out valuable treasures to disciples that were deemed worthy, by using some unknown method by the palace itself.

The inner region was also somewhat dangerous as they contain numerous peak tier rank 3 demonic beasts. Even a Core Formation disciple wouldn't explore the region alone, if they ever come across several peak tier rank 3 demonic beasts at once it would be a miracle for them to survive.

And lastly, but certainly not least, is the smallest region in the Pocket Realm, the core region. The region that was also dubbed the Death Valley by the disciples of the various sects and clans, as the only thing that would await anyone foolish enough to venture in there was death.

The entire region is said to be the territory of several rank 4 demonic beasts. In the past, a disciple from the Divine Music Institute, a Sage level institute, was said to have ventured into there alone.

No one knew what he did, or how he did it, but he somehow manage to piss off all five of the rank 4 demonic beasts. At that time, everyone knew that demonic beasts that could rival Nirvana realm cultivators were residing in there, but no one knew how much or how strong they were.

It was when that world-shaking event happened that they knew that there were five rank 4 demonic beasts within that region. Three of them were equivalent to an early-stage Nirvana realm expert, one of them was as strong as a mid-stage Nirvana realm cultivator, and frighteningly, the last one was actually a high-tier demonic beast. Which was similar in power to a late-stage Nirvana realm cultivator.

If you ask anyone what it was like within the Pocket Realm when those demonic beasts went on a rampage, they would tell you that it was apocalyptic.

For some reason, they weren't subjected to the laws of the Pocket Realm and could live freely within it.

However, during their rampage, the laws within the Pocket Realm began to suppressed and prevent them from stepping out of the core region. It was almost as if they were being kept within a prison by the Pocket Realm itself.

That was the only reason the sects and clans felt it was safe enough to send their elites into the Pocket Realm. If such wasn't the case, they wouldn't have dared send their disciple in.

As Longwei looked over the map for a while, his focus came to a stop on the inner region.

Specifically the northeastern area.

There on the map, the words Spring of Incarnation were written in bold characters.

After determining the general location, he placed the jade slip in his storage bag and turn to his two bodyguards.

"Let's head northeast to the Spring of Incarnation first."

The two bodyguards in black both cup their fists and reply in unison.

"Yes, young master."

Longwei then turn to Longmin, and said, "We'll get my Heavenly Pallet first before we start exploring the rest of the Pocket Realm. Are you fine with that little brother?"

Longmin was about to respond but before he could Longwei cuts him off by saying, "Alright then, let's go! This is our first adventure for us brothers, so you should stay behind elder brother and I'll keep you safe."

Longmin scrunched up his face upon hearing that, but a warm feeling still bloomed in his heart.

'That's right, this is actually our first time outside of the clan together. I guess brother is just as excited as I am.'

Longmin might argue with Longwei quite often than not, but he still felt a strong connection and deep brotherly bond with him, that no amount of arguing would change. And he's sure Longwei felt the same as well.

One of the two black-robed bodyguards stepped forward and released an intangible force, which slowly spread out to cover several meters in front of him.

After reaching a certain distance, the intangible force suddenly solidifies along with the space it occupied.

Seeing this Longmin's eyes lit up as he closely watched what was happening.

From the solidified space, spatial fluctuations could be felt before a massive bird-type demonic beast emerged.

As soon as the bird appeared it stretched its majestic fifty-meter wings and released an overwhelming aura of a peak tier rank 3 demonic beast while letting a deafening cry that echoed for miles.

A dust storm was kicked up in the area, but the other black robe figure was standing in front of Longmin and Longwei protecting them.


~Fun Fact~

A bond between two brothers is one the deepest connection you'll ever see. (Coming from a guy who has four brothers.)


PS: If you have an extra gem throw it over here, I'm wide open. And don't forget to add this to your library, and comment as well.

Till next time ~waves gb~

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