Chapter 22

Without thinking, Maxime broke down the door with all his might. The door opened with a loud bang, and Maxime immediately saw his father lying on the floor, looking weak and helpless. "Dad!" Maxime shrieked, running over and kneeling beside his father. "What happened? Dad, please wake up!"

Rafael stood in the corner of the room, looking confused and indifferent. "She's fine, Max. Don't overdo it."

Maxime looked at Rafael with eyes full of anger. "Don't you see? Dad is in pain! Why are you silent?"

Rafael shrugged in a nonchalant manner. "She's always like that, Max. It's no big deal. She just needs to rest."

Maxime couldn't contain his emotions anymore. "You don't care at all, Rafael! Dad needs help, and you're just standing there? What's really going on here?"

Rafael stepped forward, his face showing no less fury. "Don't blame me, Max. This is all because of your selfish decision. You didn't want to help us the easy way. If only you'd let me work at the cafe, things wouldn't have got
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