Chapter 2

“Ah…” Niko was in pain as he lay on the hospital bed where they'd rushed him to, “Vikkie’s gonna pay for this!” He managed to say out of anger! He couldn't remember who took him there but he knew for sure it wasn't his cheating ex “No one betrays Niko Foster and gets away with it, especially not the ones I trusted.” Niko was hurt not just by the wounds, but also by the fact that all these years, he'd been foolish enough to believe that Vikkie cared about him “She turned her back on me and watched that fatso spit on me. They shall all pay!”

The door to his room creaked open and a nurse walked in. “What?” Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized Niko. She was Vikkie’s best friend and they always gossiped about him, she'd even told Vikkie to dump him many times before it finally happened. “Well look who it is, the Lord has finally delivered you to me, to specifically deal with you, fool.” Nurse Emma said with a smile curling on her lips.

She quickly reached for a syringe knowing that Niko was so weak and didn't really know what was going on, he kept speaking to himself in the darkness of his eyes being closed.

As Emma prepared the injection, she couldn't stop smiling “I'm gonna mess you up Niko” She whispered to herself “When you leave this hospital, you're gonna be a paralyzed man ha ha.” She said preparing an overdose of succinylcholine, a paralytic agent that's used to induce temporary paralysis, giving an overdose to Niko would surely result in prolonged paralysis and even death “yeah Niko, this is how much me and Vikkie hate you.”

Just when she was about to inject him, the doctor walked in.

“What are you doing Emma?” He noticed she was up to something fishy.

"I-I was just about to give him his medication.” She stammered, quickly hiding the succinylcholine behind her.

“You can leave, I'll handle this myself,” he said firmly, dismissing her with a nod.


Niko had never had such a bad day in his entire life, the day moved from getting cheated on, to being humiliated, dumped, beaten up and then spending a huge sum of money on treatment “Shit man I hate this day. And I'm gonna pay back everyone who contributed to making it a bad one. I'm gonna start with Vikkie and then that arrogant fat man she sleeps with.” Niko said angrily as he arrived at the small apartment he used to stay in. He picked up the keys from under the flower vase he used to hide it, and tried to open the door but it didn't open. “What the hell’s going on?” He tried again but the door still didn't open. “What's wrong with these damn keys?” He was super frustrated following everything that had happened “Stupid keys!” He angrily hit the bunch on the ground then kicked them away furiously.

“Your door lock has been changed!” A voice said from behind and Niko turned immediately to discover it was his landlord.

“Good day sir.” Niko greeted, trying to calm himself.

“Good? Ain't nothing good about the day Niko, your door lock had been changed, that's all I came to tell you.”

“But why’ you change my lock though?”

“Cos your poor ass refused to pay the damn rent.”

“But my properties are in that room Mr. Pewdishman.”

“I don't give a shit! If you don't pay the rent, I ain't giving you the new keys to that room until it's 12:00AM.”

“Who does that? That's not gonna happen!”

The day looked far to be over and Niko only saw more trouble coming, he always worked hard to pay his rent on time, this was the only time he'd missed paying, it was due just two days ago and Mr. Pewdishman was already on his neck, “Why are you doing this?” He asked.

“Listen to me Niko, if you don't pay me that damn money in two days, you'd come back to this house only to meet all your stuff outside.” He said tossing the keys to Niko “this is the last time I'm gonna be this nice, next time I show my face here, it's either I get my money or I kick your butt outta ma house!” He turned and walked out angrily.

“Shit! I'm messed up!” Niko’s backside landed on the floor out of frustration, he looked to his left and saw his neighbors laughing at him, a latina in her twenties and a skinny white girl with alot of piercings on her face, “he looks like his world would turn upside down if we deliver Vikkie’s message to him.” One of them said laughing. They were so loud that Niko could hear them, “What message are they talking about?” He wondered.

“Quickly let's go give him the heartbreaking message ha ha,” The Latina said bringing out a large box, “bring out your phone let's record his reactions and post it on social media ha ha…”

The girls brought the box to Niko and dropped it carelessly in front of him “Take this.” They said.

“What's this?” Niko’s forehead squeezed.

“A smart person would open it up and see for themselves instead of asking stupid questions.”

That just triggered Niko, “What the hell did you say to me?” There was anger in that voice, he wasn't gonna let all these people keep trying to match on him like that. “Say what you said again and I swear to God you're gonna wish you never did.”

“You wanna lay your hands on a woman? That's pathetic, you're surely abusive!”

“Well call me whatever you want, but if you dare trigger me again you're gonna have a taste of me.”

The girls could feel the heat coming right from Niko’s body, that young man already had enough going on and he could unleash the anger he'd been holding in on anyone, they better not be the ones.

“This box contains everything you've ever bought for Vikkie, she said we should give it to you and tell you it's completely over between both of you.”

Niko went straight to pick up the box, took it aside and set it on fire “I don't wanna hear anything about Vikkie, I don't wanna hear anything about love!” He said looking at the flames of fire “I'm in a different phase of life now, the phase of making everyone pay!”

Immediately Niko said that his phone beeped with a new message, “this better not be a useless text.” He reached for the phone in his pocket, looked at the screen and was taken aback “What? Is this some kinda joke?” He couldn't believe what he just saw. He stretched his eyes to read the message again and it was from his bank.

Credit Alert: Your account has been credited with $10,000,000.00.

Description: Inward Transfer

New Balance: $10,000,079.00

If you did not authorize this transaction, please contact our customer service immediately at 1-899-123-0987.

Thank you for banking with us.

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