Road To Billions After Rejection
Road To Billions After Rejection
Author: Michigan Fallz
Chapter 1

"Yeah, listen up. I want to order a pizza, but don’t screw this up, alright? I don’t have time for incompetence from some broke ass pizza delivery guy.”

That's the first thing Niko heard when he answered the phone, “who the hell orders pizza like that?” He sensed the arrogance from whoever was behind that thick voice over the phone. But he ignored the rudeness and asked him “Sure, sir. What can I get for you today?”

“Dumbass I already said I want a large pizza. What else do you sell if not pizza?”

Things like this always made Niko hate his job, he'd been working in that pizza shop for almost a year and he never got used to all the insults and harsh treatment. But he was willing to keep enduring all of it as long as it fetched him some money to take care of himself and his girlfriend Vikkie.

“Bring me some pizza fool, make it pepperoni, extra cheese. And don’t be stingy with the toppings, got it? I’m paying good money, and I expect quality.”

Did he really have to be this brutal?

“Fool? Did he really have to call me a fool?” Niko almost asked out loud, yes he was angry and wanted to shoot back, he might be a pizza guy living in an old cheap apartment but he wasn't the kind of guy you'd match on “Who the hell does he think he is?” Niko almost cut the call by smashing the phone on the table “arrogant piece of shit” he finally voiced out and the caller thought he heard something.

“What did you say?” The thick voice came over the phone.

“I was asking if you want anything else.” Niko suddenly found his cool.

“Yeah pizza man, make it quick. I don’t want to be sitting around all day waiting for some low life dude to show up with a cold pizza. I expect it here in 20 minutes, max. If you're late, don't even bother charging me, understand?”

“Fuck you!” Niko said after he ended the call. He was so annoyed at how people treated him and his fellow workers just because they are not rich, he was despised and humiliated many times even by Vikkie, his very own girlfriend who he'd made a lot of sacrifices for, working in the hot sun every day, sweating and rushing to deliver packages on time, being slapped in the face. All these just so he could get some money to buy some expensive stuff for Vikkie who cared about nothing else but living a luxurious life, “She's got a high taste and she thinks she deserves the whole world just because she's beautiful.” One of Niko’s coworkers said to him about Vikkie a few days back. But Niko was too in love to see any of Vikkie’s red flags.

“When I deliver this pizza, ama get her the nice watch she screenshotted on my phone yesterday.” Niko said finally finding a smile.

Thirteen minutes passed and Niko was already close to the address he was given. That place needed no introduction, it was one of the most popular and luxurious hotels in the city “Damn! This place is mad!” Niko admired the tall buildings, turning left and right to see the line of Lamborghinis and Bugattis neatly parked around. Just when he was about to smile, he saw something that quenched it immediately. “What the hell?” He was shocked to see his girlfriend Vikkie coming out of a Ferrari with a man with a huge belly.

“Come here baby” the man said, smacking Vikkie’s backside. “Let's go inside and ama make you scream ha ha.” he added.

“Oh my world!” Niko couldn't believe it. Was this the girl he'd always defended in front of his friends? Was this the same girl he was killing himself just so he could provide for her and satisfy her needs? “What manner of whorelorry is this?” Niko wanted to smash that pizza on the ground right there, grab that fat for nothing man and beat the hell out of him, but then he realized he'd have to pay for the pizza if he ruined it.

“Vikkie!” Niko called in anger. He loved her but he wasn't a weak lover, he wasn't going to watch her get away with this.

“Oh you must be the pizza man I ordered from.” The fat man said as soon as he saw Niko, his name was Trevor and he was known for his arrogance. “You arrived quicker than I thought.” He added.

Niko didn't care about the pizza anymore, he walked straight to Vikkie “What are you doing with this man?” he asked, his voice already hinting he knows exactly what's going on.

“What do you mean what am I doing with him? You're gonna follow me around now asking me who I know and what I'm doing with them?”

“This man had his hands all over you Vikkie, I saw him rubbing his hands on your backside.”

“Well deal with it!”

Niko wasn't expecting her to speak like that. “No remorse? You're cheating on me with some man old enough to be your father and you're proud of yourself?”

Clap! Vikkie slapped Niko so hard the pizza almost fell. “How dare you call me a whore?” She asked angrily.

“Who the hell called you that? You just did, and why? It's cos you can finally see you're one.”

Clap! Trevor also landed a heavy slap on Niko’s face. Then Vikkie rushed to take the pizza from him, opened it up and smashed it on Niko’s face “what the hell!” Niko yelled.

Trevor took out his phone to dial a number and in no time, a security team came from nowhere only to pounce on Niko “Beat that dirty fool, make sure he loses one of his teeth.” Trevor said and Vikkie laughed so hard.

“You're some broke ass dude and you should never speak to me like that, Niko.”

“I'm broke but I helped pay for your damn apartment.” Niko struggled to talk back despite the heavy blows landing on his face and his stomach.

“A church rat like you don't deserve no classic babe like me. Always keep that in your lunatic head.” Vikkie said shifting back as soon as she saw blood coming from Niko’s mouth. “And you should know that from today onwards, I don't know you alright? We never knew each other, I'm on a whole different level now, weirdo.”

Niko tried to fight back, getting up on his feet a few times to punch the men beating him up, but they were too many for him, four against one was way too much.

“This is what you get when you mess with the rich.” Trevor said then spit on Niko.

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