The Son-In-Law’s Revenge

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The Son-In-Law’s Revenge

By: Preshh OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 263

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Logan's hard work and dedication go down the drain after getting physical with a man he had no idea about to protect his girlfriend. He finds himself in prison after the man who he had fought with, who also turned out to be the son of one of the most influential families in the US had thrown him into jail but he was comforted since he knew he had his girlfriend waiting for him. Three years later, he comes out of prison only to find his girlfriend getting married to the same man that had caused his demise and after being humiliated and degraded, it only brings about an unquenchable thirst for revenge. When a mystery old man gives him a ring to find an organization, Logan's life will forever take a huge turn and his ultimate revenge plan will be more than easy to execute.

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10 chapters
CHAPTER 1"Hmph" Logan exhales in a sigh after taking in a huge breath as the huge prison walls crowned with barbed wires create a rather photogenic backdrop behind him. It has been three long years since he got locked up and he was ready for a fresh start."Hmmm that's odd," he thinks as he stares at his dulled silver watch, which surprisingly is still working after all this time, "I thought she would be here by now" he mutters further as he glances around in search of his girlfriend.Just then........"Vroom!" a red sedan suddenly pulls up in front of him, garnering a little dust and startling him a bit as he jerks backward. He squints his eyes as he tries to peer through the tinted windows, which then suddenly slide down."Logan! My man, what's good?!" the driver with his sunglasses on, asks excitedly as he stares at Logan from inside the car."Lucas?" Logan asks rhetorically as he recognizes his voice."In the flesh dawg," he replies"How did you know I was.......""Nonsense!" Luc
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Three years ago>>>> At a high-end club with changing colored lights and loud music, Logan is to meet some business tycoons for an investment in his company. They had suggested that they meet at the club first to get to know each other on a personal level before doing actual business with each other. Over at the counter, Logan in a black suit, and his girlfriend dressed in a short silk red gown discuss and laugh together as they sip from their wine glasses."You haven't seen them yet?" Chanel asked him, almost yelling to avoid getting drowned by the music, as he glanced around the room while sipping on his wine."I don't know what they look like but I'm sure I can identify them when I see them" he replied."Pssst!" He heard and turned around only to see a blonde man with a crewcut in a suit walking up to him."Yeah, how can I help you?" He asked. Judging from his outfit, he was a security personnel."Are you Mr. McCarthy?" He asked sternly."Yeah, why?""Please follow me," he s
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"Okay man, I got it!" The voice said in a eureka moment."Alright man, text it to me""Done dawg""Aiit thanks. I'll call you later""Ain't nothing wrong with that homie. Catchu later" the voice said before he hung up."44 Rotown Street. You dig?" Logan asked Lucas as he read out the location on the text."Yeah man, I fuck with that place. But you really wanna go there?" Lucas asks."Man, you don't gotta go with me if you ain't comfortable with it" he responds.Lucas thinks about it for a moment. What's the point? Maybe he should just go there and get this thing off his chest."So what's your take?" Logan asks."Let's go, man. I'm with you" Lucas said as he turned the car around and sped off.___________________________________________________ The interior of a nineteenth-century-styled classical building with white plaster of Paris ceilings with perfectly sculpted art engraved in it. From the ceiling hangs several chandeliers studded with gems that brilliantly reflect colored l
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"How is it my fault your life turned out so terrible?" She asks with a shrug, looking at Sebastian for validation, "Nobody boards a sinking ship Logan. So get out of your feelings and get your shit together. I've moved on Lolo and I've found someone better" she says with a smile as he hugs her soon-to-be husband, "I'm sure you will too if you look hard enough. I mean, there's gotta be someone better than me out there. Right baby?" She asks Sebastian, who stalls for a while, looking up at the ceiling as if trying to think."Nah, I highly doubt it" he replies"Hmph!" She sighed feigning a bit of sadness, " I guess you're right baby. There is no one better than me" she said at which point they both broke out into laughter."What a bitch" Lucas thinks as he glares at the couple.Logan tries hard to keep his cool, but how can he?His emotions are welling up inside him. "He'll pop at this rate," Lucas thinks."You were right Lucas" Logan finally breaks his silence, startling Lucas a little
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"Oh we'll see just how weak they are," he says with a smirk on his face."Well, I ain't waiting around to find out," Logan says as he walks up to him and lands a direct jab on his face, causing him to stagger backward. He glares at Logan and touches his nose only to feel the warm fluidity of blood. "What happened? You don't seem to have much to say anymore" Logan teases."Get away from him!" Chanel yells at him, stomping her heels on the floor in a tantrum-like manner. A smirk etches up on his face as he turns to look her in the eye."Oh, so you're worried about him?" He asks sarcastically, "Geez that hurts""How dare you raise your....... right!" Sebastian falls on the floor as he receives an uppercut from Logan.Lucas by the way, isn't comfortable with what's going on. "There's too many people watching," he thinks. It's all the more severe since Logan just got out of jail a couple of minutes ago! Walking up behind him, Lucas whispers, "We gotta get the hell outta here. What if the c
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"Move along!" Logan is ordered by one of the two prison guards who shoves him forward as they escort him to his cell."Alright, this is gonna be your new home," one of the guards says as he searches his bunch of keys for the key to that cell. In the cell are situated a lot of jocks, mostly skinheads, black and white. It's one hell of an intimidating sight to see them glaring at you. And that was exactly what they were doing, glaring at Logan, who shyly and more due to the intimidation averted eye contact. As the guard tries a couple of keys, Logan hopes that he doesn't find the key quickly. His face at this point kind of seems like he's desperate for some miracle.'Maybe it's a dream' he thinks, 'it has to be. I'll wake up and it'll all just be a dream' he repeats to himself in a whispery mantra. Then......'Clink!'"Finally, I got it," the guard says to the other laughing as he tells him about how he always finds this cell key difficult to identify."Alright, pretty boy. Get in" the
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"You testing my patience, white boy," he says, "now we can either do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way, your call' he says. Logan realizes that he's in no position to refuse or accept as he sees the others cheering their leader on. Regardless of his choice, the outcome will be the same.'What do I do?' he thinks.He clearly can't fight all of them off. Hell, he can't even fight a single one of 'em!'I'm so fucked!' he thinks (literally)."Can't we work something out?" He asks the skinhead."Oh you're the one who's not willing to cooperate" the skinhead accuses, "and I ain't waiting around for your compliance no more. I'm taking the damn thing!" He says as he forces Logan down to his knees with a single downward press on the shoulder. "Now put it in" he orders as he tries to shove it in his mouth. Logan dodges and punches him in the nuts.He immediately arches down in pain."Why you....." The others infuriated, walked up to him. Before he could try to move, a huge right ha
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"The great dragon," he says as he takes a bow and then ticks his name without even calling it out. The old man simply smiles and watches him walk past. No one seems surprised about it except Logan.'Why is no one saying anything?' he thinks as he stares sideways at the man, who keeps looking forward. Any warden or guard that passed by him would immediately bow before moving on'Just who was this guy?'*** Back at Lucas's house ***"..........And that's how I got the ring," Logan says."Whoa man, he did all that?" Lucas asks in surprise."Yeah man, I swear it" Logan responds, "I really wouldn't have made it out of that shit hole if it weren't for him," he says."I still can't wrap my head around why those thugs let us go when they saw the ring though" Lucas responds, "There's something the old man didn't tell you. After all, there's gotta be a reason why even the prison wardens bow when they walk past him, right?""Right, and that's exactly what I'm gonna have to find out," Logan says.
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'Chinatown? Why didn't I think of it before?' Logan thinks smacking his palm against his forehead."Thanks a lot, man," he says, "you've been a big help"."No biggie bruh," the jap says as he plugs his earphones back into his ears and walks away."Chinatown, here I come" he mutters as he begins to walk towards the nearest bus terminal. Finally, a clear path shows up. Will he find what he's looking for?"Alright, thanks" Logan waves at the dude in the yellow cab."No biggie man" the man responds before he drives off .'What a nice guy' he thinks as he watches the car zoom off into the buzzing traffic. Then turning around, he sees a gate with two huge reddish posts between which a huge neon arched sign, wrapped around with colorful strings of blinking lights, is placed on top reading " 歡迎來到唐人街. " With an tiny English translation underneath that reads, "Welcome to Chinatown".'Hwweeww!' he exhales from his mouth as he walks in>>>>>>>__________________________________________________**
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"I can't say any more than that," he says, " just get rid of it, if you don't want any trouble, that is" he adds and then resumes howling after customers. Logan is surprised and leaves the kiosk."Why are they all acting weird when they see it?" He asks within himself. Their mysterious reactions sparked his curiosity. "I need to know what they are hiding" he mutters and then continues meeting and asking other random people about the inscription on the ring.A few hours later>>>>It's already nightfall and Logan's incessant questioning has led him to the Jade Massage Spa. He stands in front, staring at the building and preparing himself to find out what he came here for in the first place. The building is quite the traditional Chinese building. With a chara roofing style, the spa is in the shape of a two-story pagoda, with traditional Chinese lanterns surrounding the premises. There are well-sculpted bushes studded with flowers also surrounding the premises."Hwweeww!" He exhales after
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