Albert Einstein was dead tens of years ago just after the end of the world war II. But the intelligence continued in his family. Henry Einstein, his son inherited his father's intelligence, he built a multi national that produce arms and ammunitions, he was one of the most successful men and it seems he surpassed his father. But he knew there was a codex left by the late scholar, Albert Einstein that he was not able to unravel and the contents of the codex remains a mystery. He knows he has limited time to unravel the mystery as the spies planted by various countries already sent the information to their respective employers. The United States could not delay as they thought it was a super weapon that could destroy the world.
The codex remained untraveled throughout Henry's lifetime. His son, Albert Einstein's grandson took over the company, he was still a little bit experienced though wise and intelligent. This gave the opportunity for various countries to have a copy of the codex.Unlike his father, Louis did not marry but devoted his time to researches and invention. After a few years, the young Louis matured. He decided to sell all the companies and all the laboratory separately except one. This laboratory was the one in which the original codex was placed. Louis decided to adopt two children, a boy and a girl to continue the Einstein family as he was the only son of Henry Einstein.He sent them to various world best academies as he concentrated more on unraveling the mysterious information in the codex. Years passed away and Anna and Jill Einstein had finished schooling. He gave them huge sum of money to start their own business. All these years, Louis was playing all the fatherly role required of him. He created time for them out of no time.Today was Anna's birthday. She had already sent a message to her father who sponsored the party. Weak and tired, Louis was coming from the laboratory in his favorite red Ferrari Rafa. The music of Michael Jackson was soothing his soul as he carefully drove.He was not supposed to attend the party as the decoding had reached a vital stage, but he had to go as various countries representatives will be there to see if he had gotten anything. The party was not interesting to him as the largest population of the attendees were young people.Times are changing, government changing hands but they all made it a duty to monitor him. Since nothing could be noticed for about fifty years, many small and developing countries already lost hope. Louis was already at his late seventies and he already had grand sons.Louis all of a sudden began to buy living materials, he intended to start the last struggle for deciphering the codex. "If I don't come out after a year, just seal the whole laboratory and use it as my tomb", he said with bloodshot eyes. "I don't believe grandfather's codex will be so tough to crack". Six months went by and many countries focused back on the Einstein family. Meanwhile in the laboratory, the handsome Louis with well shaven beard and moustache that made him acceptable to female even at that age was lost. All that could be seen was an haggard looking man. He was obviously weak and stressed out but the hope for the unknown kept him going. "A message in a codex this tough cannot be so simple". At exactly eight months after he entered seclusion to decipher the codex, the codex was uncoded and he could see the contents clearly. He opened his mouth agape with saliva almost dropping from his mouth as he read with relish, the contents of the codex. The title of the codex is THE LONGEVITY FORMULA."If you are seeing this message, it means I am long gone and you have been the lucky one to decipher this codex u wrote during my last days. You might be wandering while the coding, I made a nuclear weapon and my intention was to stop war and promote peace but man have turned my weapon of peace maintenance to weapon of mass destruction. I would not want this to get to the wrong hands so I used the code I formed", Louis read. "As the title implies, this is a drug I devoted my last days to but unfortunately because of the inadequate technology level, it could not be completed. The materials needed are:Gingko biloba, Ganoderma lucidum, White Willow bark, Celery, Purple Passion flower, Blood root, Ginseng, Black cohosh, Valerian, Goldenseal and Hawaiian Sandal wood. All these medicinal plants are very precious and the lifespan of each if them were specified.And the process is also written at the back. Lastly to anyone that deciphers this book, be careful and don't trust everyone around you", the book ended. Louis after reading everything in the codex calmed down, he didn't trust everyone around him but what of his adopted children.MISSION COMPLETED. It was time to go out but he knew that agents from various top countries would be around so he needed a plan. The first step was to destroy the only sheet of paper on which the final deciphered text was written without any obvious method. He resorts to swallowing the paper which went successfully as he had photographic memory which helped him to memorize the whole formula with its processes. There was no need for much drama as he already looked like a tired vagabond in appearance. Time to act... He stumbled out of the laboratory after opening the door in a very loud manner. He slammed the door in desperation (happiness) as he closed it. Anna was already at the door as it was her turn to wait for his returning. Anna urged her father into the car and drove off slowly in order not to wake the sleeping (***) father that was already snoring on the backseat. The car reached his house which was always maintained and well cleaned by his servants and his daughter, Anna woke him up and helped him to the master's bedroom to rest well . His bodyguard came not so long after and resumed duty. It was dawn and many political leaders came to greet him. Of course they were using various styles to ask if the codex was successfully deciphered but the disappointment and sadness on his face was an answer to them. Louis let the matter rest for few months before he started purchasing medicinal materials and test creatugren Boom! Professor Louis looked with devastated eyes as another test failed and the animal exploded. "Another failure? ", Louis lamented as he was already getting to the end of the rope. He came out of his secret laboratory in his house and met his children in his living room. Before Jill could talk Anna who could read the message on his father's face sympathized with his father. "You failed again? " The materials are almost finished and he had already spent all of his net worth on this experiment. You might be wondering why his children knew about the experiment, of course he told them. He was willing to believe them as he did not interpret family as everyone. He rested for a day as he wondered why various countries stopped visiting him."Perhaps, they had given up "He entered the laboratory once again trying to locate the errors in the former mixture and correct them. "The ****** is a little bit greater than 21.9944 grams as that was the configuration in the formula. It is the main material and any change results in failure. He had another few experiments with the same result.... FAILURE.All the materials that remains are only enough for one medicine. He decided to go and rest and begin tomorrow when he is at his peak performance. He went to his room and slept off.. At exactly half past eight in the morning, Louis entered his private laboratory. He weighed all the needed medicinal materials. He mixed all and got the perfect result, the aroma and thew taste was exactly as the codex described it. Aaaaaaaaarh aaarh. Louis roared in laughter as he already succeeded in what his father and grandfather could not do. He dared to drink the contents of the test tube which resulted in a severe spasm like pain allover his body. He tried to keep the voice low but when he could not persevere, he shouted in pain. Unknown to him his body was going through a lot of changes. The grey hair and beards were turning back to lustrous black color and other internal and external changes. After about five minutes of pain, Professor Louis Einstein was back in his prime. Ha flexed his muscles and the strength if his early twenties was back again. He came out of his secret laboratory happily, eager yi share the success of the experiment to his family but the result shocked him. Behold the various Heads of State, Prime Ministers and Presidents were seated in his sitting room with a lot of king of soldiers and agents that served as entourage. He looked a little bit to the rear and he saw his children, Anna and Jill talking and laughing with them. Louis looked around for few minutes and started to laugh in mockery of himself. "I am so stupid. I was betrayed not by my servants but by my children, that's great", he thought. He made himself comfortable on his favorite cushion. He looked at all of them once again and continued the deoreciating laugh. "We don't have to ask about the success of the experiment as it is obvious already", the Prime Minister of England said. "Would you surrender the formula to the UNITED NATIONS or you would want us to get it ourselves", the President of the Russia added as he smiled at Louis. All the other presidents of small countries began to murmur in support but the Leaders of big countries remained silent, looking at him to know what his decision would be. "I am not willing to surrender anything whether now or later".. "As expected" "Let's kill him and we would use his blood to make another one. He should be grateful his body is used by the world just like his grandfather's brain", Jill said with a normal face. Louis can no longer contain his anger. "You bastard..... ", he said as he moved towards Jill to slap him. Before he could take two steps, a gun was already fired. Louis closed his eyes waiting for the bullet to hit him. Two seconds later, he opened his eyes and he saw his bodyguard's body lying on the tiled floor with blood gushing out of his left chest. He ran towards Edward who was seriously bleeding. He died in his arms after few seconds, he heard another gunshot, he didn't move but took the bullets. He fell down getting weaker as the blood was gushing out. He noticed a ringed grenade in Edwards pocket, he crawled fast and before another bullet would be shot, he removed the pin with all the strengthhe could gather and GBOOOM everything scattered as the grenade exploded.Related Chapters
Ruling the Infinite Worlds Chapter 2
Get out, you useless child" That was the only sound that continued to echo in Louis' mind. He has been chased out his father's fief. His father was a baron who got his nobility from the battle field. Jones was a common citizen that joined the army during an inter kingdom war and was able to survive till the end of the war. In appreciation of his gallantry, he was given the title of a Baron with a fief. During the years he spent to defend the Kingdom of Landor, he already had a son. After few months of his being a noble, he got married to one of the daughters of an Earl to seek protection and to maintain the daily activities of the fief. Baroness Milox Jones was so harsh towards Louis. To make matter worse, when Louis was twelve years old, his talent was tested and it was black which means he had no talents. He became an object of mockery in the entire fief and his father neglected him. This gave Milox various chances to destroy him "I will be eighteen tomorrow and I can get
Ruling the Infinite Worlds Chapter 3
Let us go back home", Louis said after seeing the sky gradually darkening and the weather getting cold and that they left without informing anyone. They started the journey back home. They were trotting as the night was getting darker. "Where are they?" Baron Jones was home already and when they were supposed to have dinner, his son and daughter were nowhere to be found. He infuriatingly called the castle guards about their whereabouts."Sir, I don't know where they are...", before he could finished talking Jones whose anger has exponentially increased hit the table with his Zeroeth level middle stage of cultivation. The table broke into pieces. "What is your duty? You cannot even take care of two children? I am giving you ten minutes to get them here or else..." Jones gave an ultimatum and left the room angrily. Just when he was about to look for them himself... "The young master and young mistress is back." Jones eyes which was has fierce and fiery as brimstones cool
Ruling the Infinite Worlds Chapter 4
Gbaam Jones slammed the door angrily. "She actually went to this level just to get rid of Louis and I cannot do anything as my hands are tied, I am already old and could not fight like before and this whole fief is under his control vigilance. I am really ashamed". " He has to go through this alone", Jones thought as he sat and continued to attend to the paperwork on his table. Louis who had already been given a GO AWAY sentence sighed in relief as he went to his former room. He had already heard the maids gisting about what happened and knew he had to leave fast as Milox will stop at nothing to eliminate him. "At least, I survived", he thought as he checked through his bags to see the good clothes he can pack and take with him. "This guy was so pathetic", that was his conclusion as even the best he could see was patched like five times... Knock. Knock. Knock. "Who could come and visit me at this time when it has already been made clear that I am of no use?", Louis mur
Ruling the Infinite Worlds Chapter 5
Louis who just came out of the Baronial mansion looked up to the sky covered with grey clouds, the sun was already setting and it would be very difficult to find a caravan traveling outside of the Earldom. "I have to find a shelter", he thought as he trekked towards the gate of the town where most of the caravan are placed planning for their next journey. "Lafe fief" "Rey fief" "Faro fief" Even though it was getting dark,there are still a lot of people at the caravan Park where several youths are shouting their caravan's respective destination. It is a custom to register at the caravan so as to seat comfortably. Louis continued to walk around to look for a caravan traveling outside the Earldom. Inter Earldom traveling was very scarce as security cannot be ensured as there were a lot of bandits in the wilderness even though there are a lot of escort. After walking for few minutes, Louis found a caravan going out of Samton Earldom. "Just a seat remaining". "Okay. How
Ruling the Infinite Worlds Chapter 6
The horses were tired and all the passengers already had pressure sores after a long journey so the caravan stopped again that everyone will rest before they start the last sprint of the journey. Everyone disembarked to stretch their legs. The guards caught some unranked wild game and it was shared as everyone individually built their own fire to make barbecue. "I want to urinate", a young lady said shyly as she wanted someone to escort her. It's getting dark and no one wants to be far away from the camp. "Ease yourself there", a young handsome guard said pointing to the rear of the caravan. Everyone ate and went to sleep as the guards stay awake and make sure the fire was not out. It was around three o clock in the morning, the galloping of horses accompanied by the fierce shout of the bandits was heard. Everyone scrambled awake and the bold able bodied men brought out their weapons, they joined the guards to provide everyone. The bandits obviously waiting for someone di
Ruling the Infinite Worlds Chapter 7
"These fools thought I had given up", Louis thought as he continued to wade in the waters against the flow. River Oseta was one of the major rivers in the Continent, it separated Samton Earldom from the Kingdom which made the Earl had the final say as orders from the kingdom can't reach them. It is believed to lead straight into the ocean so Louis had to try his best to make sure he was not carried away by the river or all the previous efforts will be put to waste. "Hahaha, Hahahaha", all the bandits laughed as they saw Louis struggling in the river. Even the bandit chief, Row who wanted to shoot his arrow at him returned the arrow to the quiver and joined his subordinates in the roaring laughter. "I can't give up, I won't be tired, I will not be weary", Louis motivated himself as he was quickly losing strength. The laughter continued as they can see him slowly drifting away. "This current is too high. According to my memory, no one had ever gone and come back. Let me tr
Ruling the Infinite Worlds Chapter 8
POOSH one of the limbs of the tortoise hit his buttocks as he was thrown into air, moving towards the island. "I hope this little boy land on the right place", this was the tortoise's thought as he sank to hide from her enemy. Louis who tightened his grip on the claw he removed from the tortoise's wound was thrown out unprepared. The distance was not so far so Louis got to the island in seconds as he luckily landed on a marshy area of the island. "My cloth is dirty again", Louis grumbled as he dragged his mud soaked body out of the marsh. He wanted to remove the clothes before he remembered that he had no other clothes to change into. "I don't know if there are wild beasts here whether ranked or unranked. I don't know if there is a shelter on this highland. I need light as it is getting really dark", all sort of thoughts passed through Louis's mind as he trudged on. "Anyway, I know I will survive this mess. My luck has been good thus far", he concluded in his mind. At t
Ruling the Infinite Worlds Chapter 9
SWISSH Louis disappeared as the intensity of the Golden light suddenly increased. The Artifact spirit that materialized after Louis was teleported away shook his head in deep thoughts. "I hope this boy will grow up and become a real strong man in this world". "This little lad is very curious, let me add the history of this continued to his memory which he will able to recollect gradually", he though as he can into thin air, his face filled with laughter. A Golden lined hexagram appeared in the sky and the figure of a boy fell through it. JEEZ. "I was dropped into the sky by this old cunning guy", Louis thought as he was falling with a very fast velocity towards the ground. He looked around and all he saw was a thick forest, he could not see the soil as there were canopy of branches filled with leaves. "This old man must have done this intentionally". Louis was a none cultivator and a fall from such a height will result in instant death. He was now in the canopy of leave
Latest Chapter
Chapter 22
And DING. Another notification 1. Cultivation Progression]Cultivation Stage: MortalExperience Points: 0 / 100Scientific Level: Grade 1Experience Points: 0 / 100[2. Fighting Techniques][3. Cultivation Mantras][4. Inventory]Space RingSpace TokenSpirit Herbs[5. Quest Log][Main Quest]Have 10 well talented members. (2/10)Have 100 Subordinates (4/100)Level up the Space to Level 1Commence Cultivation.Upgrade your Rank to Scientist Level 2Have an affiliated group[Side Quest]Have a member (completed)Have a talented member (undone)Manufacture a level 0 product (can be repeated)Manufacture a level 1 product (can be repeated)[Hidden Quest]A Leader needs a Capable Woman (completed)[6. Map and Navigation]Current Location: Rosette City[7. Martial Companions]: Nil[8. Martial Rankings]Insufficient Data[9. Affiliates][10. Magical Space]Name: Overlord Headquarters Level: 0Experience Points: 0 / 100FacilitiesLaboratory: Level 1Residential Building: Level 0Command
Chapter 21
GBAMMM.Louis knew he had to act a little bit different, a little tougher without seeking so much attention.And of course, he achieved his goal Elsa slowly looked up and said coldly, "If I find out that you are wasting my time, you would not leave here whole".The whole crowd of young Master BOOOed in response, expecting a tactical retreat from Louis. Louis nodded his head with a serious face and acknowledged his seriousness."Follow me".Elsa said as she wiggled out of the reception into one of the elevators leading to the floor where Old Man Fallon's office is as the day was not a day of assessment.KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK."Come in", a deep voice said from inside the room, he seems a little stressed.The old door which was tagged with Professor Fallon was pushed open by Elsa and Louis followed her immediately. Elsa who still thought Louis was pretending did not want to spend another minutes in that room with a 'pretender'."Sit", Professor Fallon said as he lifted his gaze of the book
Chapter 20
"WHO ARE YOU?""That's my question as you don't look like you belong here, before I enter into anything with you, I want to know your identity", Brad asked and the way he set his face, it can be ascertained that he won't move on without an answer.Louis deepened his gaze on Brad and smiled broadly. "Quite observant", Louis said as he changed his way of sitting.As he changed his mode of sitting, his momentum changed. If before it seems that a meek lamb was sitting, it changed to a lion who is roaring in his majesty.Even Brad had to change his way of sitting. "I only feel this kind of momentum from the Duke the few times I met him in his study", Brad thought as he confirmed in his mind that indeed Louis was not a simple creature."Who I am, you don't need to know. All you need is that if you are obedient to me, I can assure you of enough power and authority. You will have kings and emperors at your control"."Taking you out of this realm to see a wider world is not an impossibility. W
Chapter 19
"GET HIM HERE ALIVE".Two beautiful maidens carrying a tray walked to the jacuzzi, meeting Brad who was laughing alone holding a WCD 1, apparently he had received a call from Skyhawk informing him of that capturing of Louis.The ladies dropped the tray containing fruits on the table by the pool side and went back to their duty post.Brad who just finished enjoying a hot water bath wrapped his towel around his waist as he made his way into his living room."I really want to know what's special about this nobody that interests even Mr Fallon".SCREECH. SCREECH. A vehicle stopped just by the gates of Brad's Mansion. Doors fling open and Skyhawk stepped out followed by two members of the Bloodhawk holding the unharmed but bound Louis as they walk to the Living room."Nice meeting you again", Brad grinned to Louis, then he faced Skyhawk, "You are not too bad after all"."Thank you for the compliment"."Stay outside. I need to discuss some matters with him".The Bloodhawk men went outside
Chapter 18
'TING'.He opened the system interface that he had previously closed to prevent hypertension and anxiety to see what Luck had given to him.[Inventory]Space RingSpace TokensSpirit HerbsLevel 1 Upgrade TokenLevel 4 Souldevourer wormLevel 2 Portal blueprintLevel 2 Ancient Alchemy Knowledge All the new items in the Inventory are very easy to understand their use by their name so there was no need to ask the system."Activate Level 1 Upgrade Token on the Power Room"[Order Received][Capacity increases by 200% and Automatic Recharge ability increases by 20%][Upgrade Successful]The upgrade instantly was updated on the system interface and ding there was another notification of a hidden task being completed.[Hidden Quest]Upgrade any facility by a level (completed)[Reward] Level 1 Upgrade Token and Level 1 Liquid Robot.The already elated Louis was more joyful as he had been thinking of how to get points to increase the level of the command room as he planned to Upgrade the two
Chapter 17
Jones was so happy that he is free from danger and of course because of the various benefits he obtained from the dungeon."This actually thought me a lesson, this world is not as peaceful as Earth so it will be of great benefit to me if I plan well and of cause cautious", Louis thought as he once again opened the System Interface which has already being fully activated.[Main Menu]WELCOME MASTER LOUIS JONES Cultivation ProgressFighting TechniquesCultivation MantraMagical SpaceInventoryQuest LogMap and NavigationMartial CompanionsAffiliatesSettingsLog out[1. Cultivation Progression]Cultivation Stage: MortalExperience Points: 0 / 100Scientific Level: Grade 1Experience Points: 0 / 100[2. Fighting Techniques][3. Cultivation Mantras][4. Inventory]Beginner's GiftSpace RingSpace TokenSpirit HerbsSoul Shard[5. Quest Log][Main Quest][Side Quest][6. Map and Navigation]Current Location:[7. Martial Companions]: Nil[8. Martial Rankings]Insufficient Data[9. Affili
Chapter 16
Louis had gone so far away from the coffin while struggling with the invasion problem and the area had gotten darker as a result of the gloomy wind brought by the ghost. Louis picked on of the movable torches and walked back to the coffin. Louis walked slowly through the steps to the altar where the coffin was laid. He took one of the longest bones to at least get a sense of protection though he knew that the weapon in his hands will not be able to solve any problem that may arise. Fortunately, the only harm had been successfully avoided. Louis tapped the ground with his 'weapon' trying to observe for traps on the steps to the altar. "I hope all this is worth it at the end of everything". Louis hanged the torch by the wall and walked touched the coffin wearily, after touching for few seconds without any suspicious activity, he proceeded to check the contents of the coffin. The first thing he picked out was a very old brown piece of paper rolled into a scroll. Louis opened
Chapter 15
GBOOSH, he sank. Louis who fell unexpectedly could not control himself in the air, he landed on his head as he fell unconscious. When Louis woke up, it was half past two in the morning, he had slept almost for twelve hours. He found out that no poisonous insect or beast had attacked him since he went unconscious and even his pursuers did not get his location. "I knew this tree must be mysterious as it was different from all other trees in this part of the forest". Louis checked all he had brought with him; the spatial ring he was not yet able to open, the bracelet which was a gift from his mother, the ID Card given by the City Lord and the Guild Card from the Warrior's guild. All was complete in their respective positions. Louis stood and wanted to find a way of getting out the pit as his intuition cultivated from various years of being a scientist told him that he was in a very dangerous zone with Zero Percent of coming out alive but he turned to his right where there was a
Chapter 14
Just take care of yourself and SURVIVE! This was the last thing he heard before he was kicked out of the car, he could imagine the grinning face of Mr. Fallon as he knew the man could not do that if he was not ordered. Louis who had been through a lot was emotionally drained even though his wound was healed went to an inconspicuous inn, which has almost turned into ruins to gain shelter through the night and to escape the tracking of his pursuers. He thought he was completely free from the pursuit of the Cain family, but he underrated the intelligence of a major family in the city as his location had already been unravelled to the thugs of the Cain family who controlled one of the top gangs in the outer city, Blood Hawk. Brad who came out of the Warrior Guild Building disappointed as he once again failed the examination. He was about to enter his car when he remembered the boy who offended him and had passed the exam, he became more infuriated and he sulked as he entered th